10 Tips To Ensure a Healthy Relationship.

A healthy relationship is possible. It depends solely on the partners – what efforts they are willing to contribute to make it work.
Below are tips to ensure a healthy relationship.

1. DON’T BRING LUGGAGES FROM YOUR PAST RELATIONSHIP – Simply because your ex messed it up doesn’t mean that would happen with this new person. Understand that people are different and see that person as a unique being.

2. MAKE FRIEND WITH YOURSELF – You must be your own friend before you can befriend another person. If you don’t see any good in yourself, you would believe your partner doesn’t too, even when they do. Be in charge of your life. It is not your partner’s duty to make you happy, but you can derive happiness from them.

3. ACTIONS SPEAK MORE – It is not all about saying you can do this or fix that. Simply do and fix it. Fulfil your promises. Say sorry when you are supposed to and learn from your mistakes.

4. BE FAITHFUL – If you are unhappy in a relationship, simply leave! Cheating is a bad label you don’t want to be given. It makes your partner feel incapable and they find it hard to trust you.

5. RESPECT YOUR PARTNER – You should know their likes and dislikes and respect them. Work on yourself. Is there any bad habit you are fond of, let it go. Don’t always point out to you partners fault, but see the good in them.

6. SHOW AFFECTION – Love is a great thing. When every other thing fail, true love would succeed. Enjoy the things your partner likes doing with them. Visit places and enjoy moments together.

7. BE THEIR COMPLEMENT – Relationship works with two partners who are not perfect but come together and build a perfect relationship. Celebrate each other’s weaknesses and encourage them, this shows you care about them.

8. SAY THE TRUTH – Irrespective of what happens, always tell your partner the truth. A lie might look very good to tell at the moment, the end result is always bad. Imagine your partner seeing you as a liar. Open up to them and do not hide anything.

9. RESOLVE ISSUES AMICABLY – Relationship won’t always be without issues. Learn to be calm when your partner is hot, know how to handle your differences. Name calling is very wrong!

10. ITS ABOUT YOU TWO – A relationship is about two people, not between two people and the world. Learn to keep secrets meant to be kept.
