Former Senate President Ken Nnamani said on Thursday in Abuja that Gen. Muhamadu Buhari only called for free and fair elections in the country and not bloodshed. Nnamani said this in an interview .
He said based on his understanding of the statement credited to Buhari, the former head of state was not boisterous in his comment. The former senate president urged well-meaning Nigerians not to take undue advantage of developments to create tension in the country, saying opinions such as Buhari’s should be taken objectively.
“The way I understood him I don’t think he was being too boisterous because our people responded to that in a way that seemed like he was calling for blood to flow; I didn’t understand him that way.
“The way I understood the statement is that if it’s not free and fair it might spell doom for the country, is a kind of prediction but he’s not calling for blood.
“I didn’t understand him as calling for blood am not his spokesman by any means, but am only trying to interpret it the way I understood that statement and it is important for us to shoot for free and fair election.”
Speaking on Nigeria’s Vision 20:2020, Nnamani said a lot needed to be done for the country to attain the feat. According to him, Nigeria should be growing faster than the 19 most developed economies if it is to join the 20 industrialised countries of the world.
“It will be wrong for us to think that in the next eight years we will overtake the countries like Indonesia or India or Korea; it is not possible that we will do it. “We are still battling with our light (power) situation; still battling with the security situation; other countries are doing the same. Our government, as far as I am concerned looks very focused and working hard to solve some of the problems.
“But for us to assume that we are going to launch people in the moon in the next eight years and so on and overtake all those countries that we consider highly industrialised nation, it is good to aspire but it should be based on facts.”
Nnamani said there was nothing wrong in aspiring to be in the class of the 20 most industrialised economies in the world, but called for proper measures that would help Nigeria achieve such target.
Nnamani is nt sincere wx his statemnt. If dre peace, we can achieve anythng within 48 months. Lets stop bloodshed poli
Ken Nnamani is a confused human or he is unable to read and articulate at the same time. How can Ken Nnamani make a such statement or personal interest is at work here?
Ichie Nwakibie N’Ogidi
(Ogidi of Ogidi)
Infact u hv spoken well, buhari is not after bloodshed but is only calling for the gov‘t attention to be sincere during the next election.
senior man i dont like what you are saying.we all hear him well,only thing is that we have to be alert because they are up something they need an excuses.
i wonder y nigerians r alws quick to shy away frm de main points of concern…Gen Buhari is frm an oposition party and it is only normal for him to remind de big boys in abj who obviously r not affected by dis insecurity most of us suffer in nigeria today dat de opposition is there to check dem. If de PDP is not intendin to rig elections y r dey makin so much ado abt notin frm dis very true heartfelt comment….every nigeria today knws dat all is not ok so y stone dis sinior states man to death bcus he has stated de obvious. I tink de PDP shld focus on satisfyin de electorates n winnin votes in 2015 instead of tradin words with Mr Buhara….or perhaps dey actually plan to rig de 2015 elections…..
It is now I truly believe that a pen is not only sharper than the sword but harmful and destructive than the gun. The way Nigeria government is looting tax-payers money is becoming unbearable and intolerable. Who do we call thief now? Boko haram, kidnappers, arm robbers, or government? May Almighty Allah safe this country from the hands of evil men who claim to be leaders. The fresh air Nigerians are aspiring for is gradually turning to hot hell.
Al i knw is dat nigerians shud nt 4got buhari’s statemnt cos we lyk 4gotn.la8ta we wil b taken unaware lyk d post electn violence 2011 dat many pple lostd their lif.dis tim arnd i knw it mite hapen cos buhari wil stil loose
It is now I truly believe that a pen is not only sharper than the sword but harmful and destructive than the gun. The way Nigeria government is looting tax-payers money is becoming unbearable and intolerable. Who do we call unscrupulous elements now? Boko haram, kidnappers, arm robbers, or government? May Almighty Allah safe this country from the hands of evil men who claim to be leaders. The fresh air Nigerians are aspiring for is gradually turning to hot hell.
Nnamani it has being long i knew who you are, where known spokeman,if buari comment really means that robish you are talking while should him said it like this,for christ sake this is an uttrance comment, i wonder while every people called nnamani dont av anything reasonable to say,just like the former enugu state gov who put enugu in the dust.