Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, popularly known as Lady Gaga will be providing therapy on her upcoming Born This Way Ball tour. Gaga announced on Saturday that the 2013 leg of her BTW Ball will feature the BornBrave Bus, where fans can come aboard before each show and receive counselling.
Why are you scared? Gaga won’t be doing the counselling herself, but little monsters can dream. The advice and pep talks will come from members of the National Council for Behavioral Health.
“At the BornBrave Bus you have access to professional private or group chats about mental health, depression, bullying, school & friends,” Gaga wrote on Facebook. “There will also be food and games, DJ White Shadow and Lady Starlight will DJ with host BREEDLOVE to keep the experience fun.
“BornBrave Bus Is a place where mental health + depression are taken seriously w/ no judgement, FREE real help available to all. I feel like most kids don’t look for help because they feel embarrassed so mom + I wanted to break the stigmas around “help” and make it fun.”
The mother monster and her mom, Cynthia Germanotta, came up with the idea for their Born This Way Foundation in the wake of the recent Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.
“Now more than ever, our kids need access to support within their communities, including mental health services,” read a statement from Mama Gaga. “By connecting youth to these local resources, we hope to plant the seeds that will help them deal with today’s challenges and inspire them to continue exercising their strength and bravery well after the Born Brave Bus leaves town.”
The Born The Way Ball relaunches on Jan. 11 in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. [vibe]
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