I Saw These Pastors In Hell Fire [A MUST READ]


I decide to share this controversial “revelation” for one simple reason:

While I was growing up in Port-Harcourt, a Pastor with spiritual gift made some very worrisome exposé about one of the late Pastor’s that was mentioned in this latest revelation. What was said about his “secret dealings” has troubled my heart for many years because I know the Pastor who made the exposé personally. He is not one who talks anyhow.


In an interview a man identified as Brother Sadiq, who was allegedly shown hell after a forty day fasting said “The Lord said ‘come with me’ and the next thing I saw is that we were walking together in hell. When we got to hell, the Lord said to me, ‘this is the place you wanted to see, don’t be afraid because of who I will allow you to see, and what I will show you’


…the Lord said I will allow you to talk with three men who were top preachers from your country but are now in hell’…the first person I talked with was Archbishop Benson Idahosa (Church of God Mission International)…the next person I talked with was Baba Paul Gindiri (New Life for All)…the next person I spoke with was Pastor Philip Mokungah (Oasis Church, Plateau state)…

“While I was talking with him, I also saw a woman who was a very popular female preacher from Nigeria – She introduced herself saying, “See me, see me, see me, Bimbo Odukoya,” but I was not allowed to talk to her but she was allowed to talk to me. She said what brought her there was secret sin, though she did not state what the secret sin was. The Lord made it clear that it was iniquity that took her there…

THE VISIONWhat did Brother Sadiq see?After a forty-day fast that I was requested to go through by the Lord, in the place of prayer, I suddenly saw light around me and then heard the audible voice of the Lord saying, “Men have seen the sky, the sun, moon and stars, the mountains and the hills and yet they fear Me not; I will not hold My peace anymore, I am coming to judge the earth.”
MY GOING DOWN INTO HELLWhen the Lord told me that the people in destruction are going to hell except they repent, then I asked the Lord “Can I see the place?” He said “Yes, you can see hell because you asked in a right way”.The Lord said “Come with me” and the next thing I saw is that we were walking together in hell. When we got to hell, the Lord said to me, “This is the place you wanted to see, don’t be afraid because of who I will allow you to see, and what I will show you.” The place was very terrible. It was dark and I could hear screams of billions upon billions of people, men and women. Though the place was dark, I could still see because the light of God was shining. His face was shining like the sun in its strength. I saw the flames of fire looking reddish and multitudes of people as though they were swimming in the fire. The people I was allowed to speak to were in their individual pits of fire. These pits of fire are literally billions upon billions! They would try to come out of the pit, but it was as if the fire would melt them. I saw billions upon billions of demons running around. These demons were more or less making mockery of those there.
The Lord said “I will allow you to talk with three men who were top preachers from your country but are now in hell.”These are people I never met or knew on earth. Each of these men introduced himself to me and acknowledged that he deserved to be there in hell.
The first person I talked with was Archbishop Benson Idahosa(Church of God Mission International).
When I saw his state of suffering in hell, then I asked him some questions.
Q. Why are you here?
A. Covetousness and I was full of self-righteousness while I was on earth. And I deserve to be here.
Q. Are you used to the pains and the suffering?
A. No. The suffering is new every day.
Q. For how long have you been here?
A. Thirteen (13) years
Q. What if I want to come here where you are?
A. If you want to, you are welcome.
While I was talking with him his flesh would melt as if acid was poured on his face. All the time he was talking with me, he was in torment in his own pit of fire.
The next person I talked with was Baba Paul Gindiri (New Life for All). While he was looking at me, he was screaming in his own pit of fire. As he would try to talk, fire would come from his mouth melting his throat. Then the throat came back again and he was able to talk with me. As he was talking there was fire burning even inside his head and he was in real torment.
Q. Why are you here?
A. My works brought me here
Q. What works?
A. Guile (deceit, hypocrisy, falsehood)
Q. But I was touched by some of your messages I have listened to, yet you are here. Is your message that we are listening to also going to bring us here?
A. No
Q. Why?
A. If you allow the Spirit of the Lord to lead you and not your human mind, your life will glorify God through the messages.
The next person I spoke with was Pastor Philip Mokungah (Oasis Church, Plateau state). He was talking with me with his head upside down. The Lord says that was the state of his punishment at that hour.
Q. Who are you and why are you here?
A. I was Pastor Philip Mokungah. Now I know I am nothing and myself-will brought me here. And I’ve already sowed the seed of self-will and selfish desire in my family. The more it grows the more my punishment in hell increases. I was walking right with God then I gave room to the devil and he cut me off. He succeeded through my desire and at the end I divorced my wife. This was the first step that separated me from God. And I took it very lightly. Now I am here as a result of my self-will.
He also gave me a message for his family.
While I was talking with him, I also saw a woman who was a very popular female preacher from Nigeria – She introduced herself saying, “See me, see me, see me, Bimbo Odukoya,” but I was not allowed to talk to her but she was allowed to talk to me. She said what brought her there was secret sin, though she did not state what the secret sin was. The Lord made it clear that it was iniquity that took her there.
Ten other people spoke to me but I was not allowed by the Lord to speak to them. Eight of them are of other nationalities (Non-Nigerians).

  1. There was a man I met in Indonesia where I went preaching in 2009. He said he was in hell because of wrong counseling. He was a counselor who was giving people wrong counsel.
  1. One of them said he is there because of the spirit of irresponsibility.
  1. Another said he came there because of gossip.
  1. Another said he is there because of the spirit of bitterness.
  1. A lady said she came there because of lying in the name of God.
  1. There was a young man who said he was arrested while on earth for preaching the gospel and the devil cut him off in prison where he compromised his faith.
  1. There was a woman who was just wailing but I could not pick out her words.
  1. There was an elderly man who said he wished he was me because looking at me I was not feeling what he was feeling.
  1. I saw a young girl with a very long hair with different colors. She was an occultic girl who was in the choir of her church.
  1. The last person was a young man. He said he called himself into the ministry because he desired to help God. The hand of the Lord was not on him and therefore no grace. He went to so-called men of God seeking anointing of the Holy Spirit. As they prayed, they transferred the same evil spirits in them into him. He gave a message – “Be careful of those you allow to lay hands on you.”

The three men the Lord allowed me to speak with were very popular preachers. God, however, is not a respecter of persons for He is a just judge.
Acts 10:34-35:
“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him.
Rom 2:11:
“For there is no respect of persons with God.”
Rom. 11:22:
“Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.”
THE RAPTUREWhat does the Scripture say concerning the rapture of the ready saints?
1 Thess. 4:16-18:
“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.”
1 Thess. 5:1-11:
“But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.
But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.”
Rev 22:10-12:
“And he said to me, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.
And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. ”
The Lord showed me an open vision of the rapture before He took me down to hell. The first person I saw in the vision was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. I have seen Him on several occasions before now so I know Him.
The Lord ALLOWED me to see the PRESENT CONDITION (not FUTURE DESTINATION!) of everyone He has privileged me to meet in my two and half year’s journey with Him. As well as many others that I have never met including those the Lord said I will meet in future.
1.       I saw those who were going up in glory with the Lord.2.       I saw those were going down in destruction.
Those in Category 2 were far more in number compared to those in Category 1.
There were those who were not seen in Category 1 or 2. The Lord says these ones are hiding in darkness for there is nothing hidden in the Light.
Most of the ministers who were going up in glory, the Lord says, are not the popular ministers known by men on earth but are known by Him. However, I saw some ministers of the gospel that I know.
Most of the major ministers in Nigeria were seen going down in destruction. The Lord says this is the season of judgment. He says He cannot bear any longer what they are doing in His name for He is coming to judge the earth, yet it is not too late if they repent; but He says, “If you refuse to be sincere with yourself and repent, you know where you are going – your destiny is eternal destruction.”Just some of the major ministers among the so many ministers in destruction are going to be mentioned here for the purpose of their redemption. The Lord says it is not His will for you to be where you are right now and you know it.
I have never met or known any of these ministers. However, some of these ministers were brought to me in the place of prayer for intercession during the forty-day fast preceding this vision. The Lord introduced them to me as lost ministers.
Christian national leaders from other countries include –Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Billy Graham, Joyce Meyer, Rod Parsley, Myles Munroe, Mike Murdock, Paula White, Ron Kenoly, Pastor Donnie McClurkin, Pat Robertson, Reinhard Bonkke, Pope Benedict, David Yongi Cho, Duncan Williams and many others!
The essence of mentioning these names is for these people to be warned by those who know them and love them so there can be a change in their ways before it is too late! My responsibility is to simply report what I saw and to warn, so I am free of their blood. There are many other lost ministers whose names cannot be listed here, but let everyone examine himself before the searchlight of the Holy Spirit. Each of us must confront ourselves with the gospel of truth before it is too late forever!Ezek. 3:17-21:
“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me: When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.
“Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you did not give him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man that the righteous should not sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; also you will have delivered your soul.”
Ezek. 33:7-11:
“So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.
“Therefore you, O son of man, say to the house of Israel: ‘Thus you say, “If our transgressions and our sins lie upon us, and we pine away in them, how can we then live?”‘ Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?”
The truth is like a double-edged sword which if received reverently could comfort us and if rejected could crush us (Heb. 4:12-13).
This vision is a demonstration of grace and love from the FATHER-HEART OF GOD.
I saw many national leaders including President Barrack Obama and President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan going down in destruction. They also must be warned!
When I looked at the people who were going up with the Lord, they were very calm, at peace and full of joy.
When I looked down at the people in destruction, I was surprised because some of them are supposed to be the people of God that I know. They were crying out in agony and pain. Yet the Lord said there was nothing He could do except they repent. At this point I had questions in my mind. Then the Lord told me to ask questions.
Q. Where is the destination of these people who are going up with You?A. They are coming to be with Me where I prepared for them.Q. For those going down in destruction, where is their destination?A. They are going down to hell except they repent.Q. Why are these people in destruction?
1.      Hypocrisy – what they are in their mouth is not what they are in their heart.
Matt 15:7-9:
“Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’”
2.      Submitting to the spirit of paranoid that does not allow them to see sin as God sees it, thus making light what is serious in His sight. This spirit works directly against the Spirit of Truth.
John 16:13-14:
“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not    speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.  He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you”.
Consequently, they are not pure in heart, for only the pure in heart will see God (Matt 5:8)
“Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.” Heb. 12:14.
Coming out of Hell
After the Lord brought me out of hell, I was back in the light were I was before. Then I said, “Lord, can I ask a question?” He answered,“Why not”.  “Lord, why did you allow me to have this experience. I’m afraid seeing these men in hell?” Then the Lord said to me, “I allowed you to see these men in hell because of the message you are carrying for this generation.” I now asked the Lord, “Can I carry this message of seeing these people who labored in Your vineyard, and yet ended up in hell?” The Lord said to me, “That is their choice. They knew the truth but they refused to confront themselves with the truth but others. You can carry the message because of the anointing that is upon your life”. “But Lord, You anointed these men as well and yet they have ended up in hell!” “It is because of their choice. If you also choose the wrong road like them, you will end up where they are. But my desire is that you continue on the right road”.This warning, of course, applies to all those going up with the Lord in glory! “What about those people who listen to their messages, would they be saved or lost like them?” “If they believe in Me, it is not their message, it is My message”. 
Then the Lord raised His two hands and was leaving. Then I asked Him, “Lord, when are you coming to take us?” He said, “I Myself do not know, only the Father”;as He said this, He was looking up towards heaven. After this He went up. There were many angels with Him in the clouds and they went back with Him.
The end of the visionAfter they left, as I looked, I was shocked to find myself still in the place of prayer where I first knelt before the Lord the previous day, 2nd of September 2011. I realized I had been with the Lord for about twenty-four hours yet there was no weariness or weakness in my body. Then an anointing came upon me and the names of some of the people I had seen in the vision began coming to me especially the lost ministers, for prayer. I was given specific prayer points for each of them. The general prayer for all the lost ministers is for God to open their spiritual eyes to see the need to confront themselves with the gospel of Truth.
After this I gave thanks to the Lord for about an hour. I called Pastor Kelvin Stewart (my pastor) who said he tried to reach me the previous day without succeeding. He was assured by the Lord that I was alright, that I was with Him and would call early in the morning, which is what happened.
Pastor Kelvin has shared the vision with the people with whom we are relating as it affects them and there has been genuine repentance amongst us. Like I stated, the purpose of this revelation from the Lord is for REDEMPTION. Some of those mentioned have, with great humility and openness, made contact and sorting things out with God.
Why the vision?It is a warning and a wake-up call.

  1. To save the lost ministers, and sinners in and outside the organized Church.
  1. To fit the saved for greater service in the Kingdom of God.

This testimony can be reproduced with permission.Contact the author – Bro. Sadiq Ibrahim: +234-8038411672 Or Bro. Kelvin Stewart : +234-8037258581
NOTE ESPECIALLYWhatever questions you have from this mini-book, the Lord wants you to ask Him first.
John 10:27-28:
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.  And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”Jesus said,
Mark 9:43-50:
“If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched —   where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’ 
And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame, rather than having two feet, to be cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched —   wheretheir worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’ 
And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire —   where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’ 
For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.  Salt is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another.”
ConclusionAs you have read this book, dear friend, if you have not given your life to Christ and you desire to do so from your heart please pray the prayer below. Also, if you have just been a religious person, just going to church but you know you have no relationship with Christ as your head or you are a backslider. If you desire that Christ give you a pure life now you have a divine opportunity. Truly you are making the greatest decision in your life.
The End* I would like you to pray this prayer right away, if you want Jesus to come into your heart:
Heavenly Father, I come to You admitting that I am a sinner (Romans 3:23). Right now I choose to turn away from sin, and I ask you to cleanse me, by Your blood, of all unrighteousness. I believe that Your Son, Jesus, died on the cross to take away all my sins.
I also believe that He rose again from the dead so that I may be justified and made righteous through faith in Him (Romans 6:23). I call upon the name of Jesus Christ, to be the Savior and Lord of my life (Acts 2:21). Dear Lord, I choose to follow You, and I ask that you fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:3).
I hereby renounce the power of Satan and sin over my life, declaring that I am now a born-again child of God (Romans 10:9-10). I am free from sin and full of the righteousness of God, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
If you just prayed this prayer by faith, the Word of God has promised that you are now BORN AGAIN! (II Corinthians 5:17). Welcome to the Kingdom of God! Now you have brothers and sisters all around the world. This is the most important decision that you have ever made. Take full advantage of it. Don’t go back into the world. The world leads to death, but the fear of God leads to eternal life. At each moment you need to live like it is the last day, and the last time of your life.


    • Dear friends, wen we hear dis kind of news,it is nt in our position 2 judge or criticize but 2 check ourselves n ensure we r faultles b4 God. THIS IS AN INDICATION DAT D END TIME IS HERE. PASTORS R HUMAN BEINGS 2 WITH FAULTS JUS LIKE ANYONE ELSE. 2nd timothy 2. 19.D bible says dat d foundatn of God standeth sure,having dis seal, the Lord knoweth them dat r His. N let evry1 dat nameth d name of Christ depart from iniquity. Other people had such revelation, God is givin us a chance. Take k now.

  1. Dear believers, becareful what you read and who you listen to. Though the bible says after death judgement and we were also made to understand that in the last day we shall all stand before Jehovah and each of us will be judged accordingly. NO ONE IS IN THE LAKE OF FIRE YET, there is nothing like hell fire, we have Hell and lake of fire. If he had seen the vision of what to come he would have seen even those that are on earth cosits a vision of what to come. How could idahosa have said he’s been in the lake of fire for 13years when hes not been judged and thrown into the lake of fire. When the bible said after death judgement, God was telling us that after death there is no turning back, the dead will have to wait till judgement day. I repeat no one has been sent to the lake of fire yet. Not until after judgement read the bible well. Give your life to christ and make sure yu follow all the principles of the kingdom. Shikena!

    • Thank you Sister Damie of God…the guy dey crazy…too much eba has caused him to sleep too deep. How can Archbishop know he is in Hell for 13 yrs when there was no calendar in there, God doesnt count days but season, no hell fire like u said but hell…u will know that this one is lost already…lol

    • Damilola, you have spken well, however, I ‘ll like to confirm to you that there is HELL at present.According to Rev. 20:13, ….And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them; and they were judged every man according to their works…..” if hell is not existing and people are not in it, where will the people in above scripture come from. The truth is that hell will not be complete without Preachers,GOs, Archbishops, Popes, Brothers, Sisters, and people from other religions that fail to meet God’s standard. All should repent today and live godly life so that we would not regret on the last day. BOTH HEAVEN AND HELL ARE REAL!!!

    • My dear Damilola, there is heaven and hell. The Bible says after death its judgment so when a man dies he faces his judgement immediately, and the soul goes where it belongs. We need to be careful with our acts and our words so we dont condemn ourselves out of ignorance . Whether the man is saying the truth or not, after reading this one need to reflect and look inwards to be sure we stand right with God. Anything outside bible is wrong and the bible is clear. God will help us

  2. 2 Peter 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

    Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
    Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    Revelation 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
    Revelation 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

  3. This is an indication to you people and a great warning from Allah s.w.t showing you the abode of you and your pastors for associating Him with partner in worship,am calling on the genarality of you to wake up and understand the reason of your being on earth (I.e to worship Allah He alone by converting to islam) the religion that have a full guid of all humanitarian affairs from A-z. The man saying this sholdnt take it as revelation is just a dream Allah showing him his abode if ddnt believe in islam.

    • We should convert to muslim and bcome boko haram, abi?
      Or convert to muslim to kill in the name of jihad war, abi?
      Or better still to slaughter humans as if you are slaughtering cow, no be so? Nonsense!

    • It is too clear, that no any unbeliever has any part in the kingdom of God. I read a revelation of someone who interviewed Mohammed in hell fire, they both speak arab, if mohammed is in hell, then what of all his followers, don,t be fooled, you are on the wrong path, accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ today, tomorrow might be too late.

    • Yahaya or whateva, you are missing the point altogether, i dont think you even understand what you read. you better repent now and receive the Lord JESUS CHRIST or you die n go to hell. there is no other name under Heaven by which man kind can be saved; except the name of JESUS. THIS TESTIMONY is about trying to make people realise their present state of sinfullness n repent, and you are talking about something else. this is an opportunity now for you to know that JESUS is LORD.

    • @Yahaya…I pray u know the truth about the salvation work Jesus did for humanity.Tomorrow may be too late accept Jesus Christ as ur personal saviour and Lord to make heaven. God does not respect any man at all,if ur life is full of sin and still behaving u r righteous b4 men, God is not pleasing wt dt.Its even in quran dt anybody wu didnt believe in Jesus christ will be punished on earth and earth to come.Pls repent.Jesus Loves u.

  4. Hahahhahahahahahaahahah!!!and d fyt against Christ n Christianity goes on…i wunt b surprised if sm lightweight christians bliv dis rubbish…Endtime tins ooo,guard ur faith,b4 one essay frm an idle psn makes u lose ur faith.

  5. Only God knows the truth fully but he has given us all we need through his word bible.we should aknowledge that as paradise is so likewise hell is temporal for the dead b4 great white throne judgement which wl bring about new jerusalem and lake of fire everlasting abode base on ur deeds justified only in christ

    • how sure are you he is both of what you called him @ ozy… hmmm let’s be careful even if say the info isn’t correct so is it in your hands to condemn and judge him???? please let’s be careful for every works of ours shall be brought before the Lord on the Judgement day of our individual lives.. hmmmm

  6. Whether the story is true or not is not what matters at all. what shuld be more sensitive and evident to christians and all humanity is that; HELL & HEAVEN are undoubtedly REAL…

    JESUS said, ”I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father [heaven] expcept through me”.

  7. Alot of people claim to have one vision or the other given new doctrines beside standard words of God, but the righteous shall live by faith (Hab 2:4,Rom 1:17 and “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him.” (2John v10) The Bible should be our travelling map to heaven not the human ideology despite the end time escatologiest. Dont forget many have travel to heaven according them bringing datelines of the world end but secrete things belongs to God and Revelation 22:18-19 says: “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes word away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” Therefore i plead with my fellow brethren in Christ Jesus to watchout and pray because the days are evil. “I am coming soon. Revelatio 3:11, 22:12.

  8. This is the handiwork of a satanic manipulator and highly possessed man sent from Hell to throw the church into a state a confusion. But we are not ignorant or the devices of the evil one. These are all Lies! Lies!! From an agent of satan, so people be wise and never believe everything u read online it’s a ready tool 4 blackmail & deceit.

  9. Damilola,be careful of the words coming out from ur mouth,our God is a consuming fire,this warning to everyone,God is no respecter of any human,beside u dont know how these preachers lived there life while on earth,he knows the way we live our life,even in the secret,he sees everythn,therefore the master himself is warning evrybdy to turn to righteousness,and stop calling the word of God a lie,he is a consuming fire,be careful for those who called this revelation a lie,it pains me when Jesus himself is tryn to get us on track,we humans condemn his words

  10. Dear Readers, Truly there is HELL and there is HEAVEN. But after death, according to Hebrew 9:27 – “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”
    After Death, The saints will be taken to Paradise also known as Abraham’s bosom – Luke 16:22 while the sinners will be take to Hell also know as Hades – Luke 16:23.
    But after the rapture, the saints will now be taken to Heaven, where Jesus has prepared mansions and the sinners in hell will now be thrown to the Lake of Fire.
    For more insight, Read Luke 16: 19-31 (The Rich Man and Lazarus). I pray God give us the Grace to understand and prepare more about His coming in Jesus Name. Stay Blessed.!

  11. Brethren, be careful of what u read and listen, Bible is d best vision we can ever have, read and have a full understanding. Lake of fire will come judgment and judgment is after rapture, which 1 is dis dat u saw. God knows it all but be very careful of who and how u condemn other ministers of God or peoples simply because u wan2 be famous or 2 win members in2 ur ministry. My fellow believer, please stay strong in d lord and read ur Bible den pray dat God make his understanding easier 4 he says ask and it shall be given. PEACE 2 ALL OF U

  12. We should all come to the knowledge of truth.All this is to warn us and to adjust our ways where necessary.Let’s take what this man is saying serious so that we can work towards our salvation and reign with God on the last day. Jesus is the way and the truth,no one come to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

  13. Pls brothers & sisters READ in between the lines. Weather this is true or not, see it as a wake up call. Truth is, we all believe the world is coming to an end, so lets check our ways & serve the Lord with fear & trembling so that we can be raptureable. Godbless us all

  14. dear readers especially this is an indication dat islam is d only true religion recorgnisd by Allah,d earlier u accept islam as d only religion dat ll gain u entrance into paradise d better,u can now see for your selves dat all your pastors are fake,liars and cheats,if u want to no d true religion dont listen 2 any pastor or reverend jst get a copy of d holy quran and all d answers 2 ur questions ll be provided.pls save ur self frm d torment of grave and hereafter before death approaches.

    • You got it all wrong! The most basic or primary offense of people destined for hell is rejection of Jesus as the son of God and saviour of the world. The secondary reason why anyone (irrespective of worldly title and rank) is inability to fully comply with the commandments of God (as stated in the old testament of the Bible, fulfilled by Christ in New testament). Anyone who does not believe in Christ’s deity, sonship, earthly life, death, Lordship, resurrection, ascension, authority and rapture is condemned already. Islam is directly against the Lordship of Christ, Islam is against the sonship (of God) of Christ, Islam denies the death of Christ, Quran says ‘God deceived the people by substituting another person in place of Christ, Islam states that God has no Son since God is not begotten, so He cannot beget. My advice for Muslims to turn to the saviour Jesus, acknowledge your sins and Christ shall forgive and get you a home in Heaven. A person can be a world renowned evangelist or miracle worker (truly preaching the word of God with anointing) yet end up in hell if He is not living a totally Holy and righteous life: inwardly and outwardly. No Hippocrates or worldly person shall inherit the kingdom of God. ‘…… Let everyone that is named after God depart from iniquity, …. without Holiness, no man shall see God’. A word is enough for the wise. This testimony serves as warnings to believers only to warn them of incomplete trust in God, self-righteousness & hypocrisy

  15. We should all come to the knowledge of truth.Let us know that what this man is saying is real and we should not take it with levity hand.The best thing is to look at our lives and make adjustment where necessary before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.My prayer is that God will give us grace to walk with Him so as not to end our christian journey in hell.

  16. After all this sayings, i strongly dnt advice anyone to disbelieve or people,s belief…..bt to be righteous in anyway or form or religion they can … We all knw d difference b/w GOOD and BAD…. Let us be JUST… (see u all in HEAVEN..) AMEN

  17. anybody can be a source of warning. Nobody is above sinning including pastors and most right rev. And the most respected. Men and brethern it is a wake up cal. The kingdom of God is rtns holiness. The earth today is corrupt n sinful. Those of you talking the bible.behold urself b4 it n judge urself.else u b judge.

  18. Hmmm. This hs d second time i would read about somebody going 2 Heaven. My own only piece of word to all readers is 4 dem 2 convert 2 Islam; The Religion of Peace, hold un2 Allah and Observe ur 5 daily prayers with Faith and Truthfulness. SALAM.

  19. Some christians are now exalting ministers of God above God…4 ur information no 1 is too big 4 hell..so dont just castigate this post but admonish urself within u that…”IF THESE POWERFUL MEN/WOMEN OF GOD COULD’NT MAKE IT TO HEAVEN,THEN I NEED TO WORK OUT MY SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING & 2 LIVE A GODLY LIFE IN THIS PRESENT AGE “…

  20. It is written, He who has the son (Jesus) has life and he who does not believe in Jesus as the only way to God is already condemed. No muslim will make heaven except they embrace Jesus as their Lord and saviour. Tomorrow may be too late.

    • Allah say in the Holy Quran:
      They say( the jews & the christians) Non shall enter paradise except you are a Jew or christian, Allah says this is their wishful thinking, produce your prove if you are truthful.
      And they have produce their prove as the bible. A ribi came to jesus and asked: Master how can a man obtain salvation? And jesus answered in the Gospel of mathew: a man can only obtain salvation by following the commandments. And he asked which is the first of all commandment? And jesus said: believe here o Israel the LORD OUR GOD is ONE not three not Him jesus but including him. Jesus made it clear just worship God alone not him & that is why who so ever refuse to worship the ONE true God by submitting to Islam, surely His final destination is Hell and Allah will never forgive Him. Please read the Quran with translation with an open mind the answer is clear. PEACE

  21. @ life, is better u don‘t talk about wot u don‘t kno, may d almighty open ur spiritual eyes 4 u 2 c n kno d truth. Christians can fabricate lies with their deceptive visions. Whether true or not, D Holy Qur‘an makes us 2 know that al those dat hav died since God‘s creation are still in d grave receiving their little enjoyment or punishment until judgement day. Try 2 get a copy of english translated Qur‘an n begin 2 study it. Islam is d way.

  22. The story is complicated.sadiq ibraham an islamic man seeing jesus where is muhammed in the story or has the man converted to christian.want us to join islam to start throing bomd lk pakistan.christian be careful becus the bible say at the last day many shall come in my name wt false teaching dat wen we c dis we should know d coming of d son of man is at hand.

  23. Oh when d saint are marching in…oh Lord,I want 2b in d numba,oh when d saint are marching in.
    Jh 3:16=for God so love d world,dat HE gave HIS only begotten SON & whosoeva believes in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life.
    Jh 3:36=whosoeva believe d SON,have everlasting life & he dat believe not, shall not see life but d wrath of GOD is upon him.
    Bro. & sis.it was neva written in any book dat there is any other way than Jesus Christ…Jh 14:6{Jesus says,I am d WAY,d TRUTH & d LIFE,no one can come 2d FATHER except thru me}.

  24. Everyone should kno dat whatever comes out of ur mouth will b written down and u will b questioned abt it on judgement day. We all kno dat d actual time of resurrection day rests only with God,nobody else and we hav no convincing proof enof of how d event will unfold dat day. So, guessing abt d unseen dosnt make sense enof to me and it is only those (me) inclusive dat made it 2 paradise will have d pleasure of seeing d face of God which is even better dan paradise itself as described in d Holy Quran.

  25. Lord av mercy on us,above all i pray oh Lord dat u grant us d spirit of discernment,2 recognise ur voice wen u speak 2 us,may u neva allow us 2b mislead but 2 live in holiness nd walk wit d gospel of truth…Amen.

  26. JESUS SAYS “I AM THE WAY,THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE NO ONE COMETH TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME” Believe in the finished work of christ on the cross that died for my sin and for yours and on the third day he rose again for our justification, he became sin for us that we may be called the righteousness of God. He left divinity just to die for you and I Why dont we just retrace our steps and accept him today? That is really all that matters .Romans 10:9 .SHALOM.

  27. Brodas n sistas in d lord,i want 2 all sit bak n av a rtink ova all ds argumnt n counta-argumnt,z it wort it? D guy s a muslin n avin a contakt wit d savior of d wrld,isnt dat a clear indicaton n evidence dat Christ is about rappin up d wrld? Its a clarion call 2 bot Muslim n Christian alike 2 chekmate our lives on daily bases.I 4 1,am going 2 mk amends cos d end z @ hand.Let him dat av ears let him hear wat d spirit of Gods s sayin 2 His ppl.REPENT-REPENT-REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND.


    Why are we blind to the fact that HEAVEN & HELL are undoubtedly real ???
    Whether the revelation is true or not, what matters most is that CHRIST is coming for the ELECTS [those whose garments are pure].
    Are u in tunned with JESUS CHRIST ???
    Check ur life and make corrections…


  29. Friends, I think this is a warning to everyone,dont let us just dump it .Remember Noah and the Ark.God warned the world through Noah,people didnt believe him and when He was calling them into the boat they castigated him,we all know what happenned to them.Please let us take this as a call to righteousness,enough of theology,lets check our life,if there is anyway we have not pleased God lets make amend.Since the day of john the Baptism the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force,Jesus christ was talking to His desciplesThe sermon was so tough,it got to a point,they asked a question”who then can be saved”but He told them with God all things are possible.With God on our side we will all make it to heaven IJN.This a crucial time,We need to move close to God and He will see us through.Remain blessed.

  30. It’s a pity dat some self-acclaimed christians are castigating dis man. I belive dis pple must have resigned 2 going 2 hell bcos they thought they couldn’t live without sinning. Tnx 2 pastor Okojie & co 4 their wise comments. Pls repent b4 it’s too late

  31. It’s a pity dat some self-acclaimed christians are castigating dis man. I belive dis pple must have resigned 2 going 2 hell bcos they thought they couldn’t live without sinning. Tnx 2 pastor Okojie & co 4 their wise comments. Xcel & co pls repent b4 it’s too late

  32. Fellow brethren and children of the Most high, peace be unto u all, we have all addressed this issue from our individual perspectives which is not bad, but I would really want us not to take this matter with levity, God said in 1Cor. 1:27-“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are” whether this man actually received this vision or not is absolutely btw him and the Most High, the paramount thing in this message is that we should strive so hard to land in Heaven and not hell, the Lord said in Ezekiel 18:32- “For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live” He also said in Mathew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” This shld remind us of something, Heaven is for the inhabitants of this world but unfortunatel and saddonically, only a few are making it. God has sent so many prophets to us, some people died and came back, some saw visions, some dreams, they have all shared various experiences about Heaven and hell, and how multitude are thronging to hell every second and how His second coming is so near, I don’t think its wise for any child of God to trivialise any warning especially in this end time. What if the mssg is truly from Jehovah? Let’s not forget that we’ll be judged for every idle word we speak while on earth on the day of judgement. Even if we don’t blv what the man is saying, we should not join to condemn. 1Samuel 16:7 says”for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” that’s why we should not judge, condemn or glorify men because the Lord knows His own. “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Rev22:11. I pray for the spirit of discernment for all of us, we won’t die before our time in Jesus Name and if the Lord decides to come this day, I pray that we will never be left behind in Jesus Name. Please if you have time kindly go here and listen to this wonderful testimony of this Ugandan Pastor. It will shock you. http://www.gracehope.com/video/?v=u_F2YUaeyditU . Be blessed as you watch.

  33. So as it was in time of Noah so it is now, even so called believer ‘l disbelieve. Wat has he said wrong with bible scriptures, why do we believe preachers more dan God he sent them he can also punish them for failing, so it was in d old testament even now. Just wok out ur salvation…. Has he said he saw all pastors in hell meaning many are in heaven, even according to him ” some rising to glory” on earth why shud u say islam is d way. He punishes and warn those he loves.. Acc to rev 20 v13 there wil b gr8t judgement after raptur, be4 den evryman wil be wea hs wok can tak him/her until gr8t raptures afterwch the gr8t judgmnt. After death judgement indicates u can’t change anytin again after u die or after rapture. Dia is no point 4 argument he dat has ears let him hear i.e messages is not 4 everybody 2 HEAR tho we may all have ears. In world wea leaders struggle 4 supremacy, talent, larger congregation but it’s nt ours 2 judge since judgemnt is of God e.t.c, also man see just d outward appearance while sees d mind. Dont argue 4 ur leader bcos kmws him/her more or av we 4gotten he has a searchlight dat sees even in darkness. Prepare urself 2 meet d lord…..

  34. We are all souls and will sheath our body upon death. Therefore souls cannot be destroyed nor feel any pain and all souls must go back to God upon completion of its life cycle as a co worker with God. Therefore souls are sparks God and God cannot destroy itself

  35. Allah say in the Holy Quran:
    They say( the jews & the christians) Non shall enter paradise except you are a Jew or christian, Allah says this is their wishful thinking, produce your prove if you are truthful.
    And they have produce their prove as the bible. A ribi came to jesus and asked: Master how can a man obtain salvation? And jesus answered in the Gospel of mathew: a man can only obtain salvation by following the commandments. And he asked which is the first of all commandment? And jesus said: believe here o Israel the LORD OUR GOD is ONE not three not Him jesus but including him. Jesus made it clear just worship God alone not him & that is why who so ever refuse to worship the ONE true God by submitting to Islam, surely His final destination is Hell and Allah will never forgive Him. Please read the Quran with english translation with an open mind the answer is clear. PEACE

  36. First and foremost,I will like to address the muslims that are saying all pastors are fake and that islam is the only true religion.please watch what you say in order to avoid the anger of God.I want you to know that these is not a debate on religion and the writter have not said there are no christian that is upright or in paradise.For the fact that he didn’t mention an alfa or what have you,doesn’t mean none is in hell.Instead of you to watch your ways and move closer to God you are there condeming one religion.Every one is going to be judged by their works not by religion.Then to the few christians that are saying there is no hell,please read your bible very well there is hell and there is lake of fire,there is paradise and there is heaven.No one has been judged now,but after judgement hell will be thrown into the lake of fire,while those in paradise will be taken to heaven.I’m not saying some pastors are in hell but a message like this should make us check ourselves and prepare for his second comimg.whether the writter is lieing or not I wouldn’t know but what willl he gain from lieing.is it fame he is seeking when he has not even mentioned his name or money?Pastors too are human being so they are not above sin.Its a previledge for we that are still alive to check our selves

  37. Fellow brethren and children of the Most high, peace be unto u all, we have all addressed this issue from our individual perspectives which is not bad, but I would really want us not to take this matter with levity, God said in 1Cor. 1:27-”But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are” whether this man actually received this vision or not is absolutely btw him and the Most High, the paramount thing in this message is that we should strive so hard to land in Heaven and not hell, the Lord said in Ezekiel 18:32- “For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live” He also said in Mathew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” This shld remind us of something, Heaven is for the inhabitants of this world but unfortunatel and saddonically, only a few are making it. God has sent so many prophets to us, some people died and came back, some saw visions, some dreams, they have all shared various experiences about Heaven and hell, and how multitude are thronging to hell every second and how His second coming is so near, I don’t think its wise for any child of God to trivialise any warning especially in this end time. What if the mssg is truly from Jehovah? Let’s not forget that we’ll be judged for every idle word we speak while on earth on the day of judgement. Even if we don’t blv what the man is saying, we should not join to condemn. 1Samuel 16:7 says”for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” that’s why we should not judge, condemn or glorify men because the Lord knows His own. “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Rev22:11. I pray for the spirit of discernment for all of us, we won’t die before our time in Jesus Name and if the Lord decides to come this day, I pray that we will never be left behind in Jesus Name. Please if you have time kindly go youtube & watch a wonderful testimony of this Ugandan Pastor “(learn why Jesus banned Heaven from Famous Uganda Pastor)”. Then you’ll realise that God is not a respecter of any man. Be blessed as you watch.

  38. Dear Abraham, do not be deceived… most of these people know what we want to hear and they give it to us. I believe there is Heaven and the lake of fire, i believe there is hell. However, i wish to submit to you that no one is in heaven yet, so also none has been condemned to lake of fire yet. the bible made to understand in Revelation 20:13 that the sea gave up their dead etc, meaning none is in heaven yet they are in Resting mode. All these people only seek cheap popularity. Have u read of an article that said “an angel appeared to a man and tol him that something happed in heaven that God told an angel to blow the trumpet and Jesus had to beg God and block the mouth of the trumpet. The scripture can not be broken. Jesus sais we shall hear the rumours of wars, nation will rise against nation, false prophet will rise in d last days some will even say they are the messiah, this means d end is near… Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. but until the message had read d uttermost part of the earth. Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Please let us read our bible well and also read with understanding. My people perish for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. I repeat no one is in heaven or lake of fire yet, the experience this man shared isnt that of hell but of lake of fire some people confuse the lake of fire for hell. There is Heaven, Hell, Hades and Lake of fire. God bless us all. May we all make heaven as we all work towards heaven. Shallom

  39. Damilola, no one is being deceived here, this matter is too simple, whether this man actually got the vision or not is between the man and God. We are not at liberty to condemn any one regardless. The bottom line is lets re-examine our lives and make amendments where necessary, what are you trying to achieve with your analysis about hell/hades/paradise/Heaven and all that? that is absolutely irrelevant, the message is crystal clear, “SAVE YOUR SOUL FROM ETERNAL CONDEMNATION” Heaven and hell are both real. We are not here to lecture but to learn because it is by the Mercy of the Most High that we are saved. You need to watch this videos on you tube. 1.(Abraham Yakubu testimony) 2.(why Jesus banned heaven from famous ugandan pastor)

  40. it is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. i pray God in His infinite mercy will grant us amazing grace to our Eternal destination nation in spite of all odds, rumours, teachings and exposures. MAY THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE LOVE OF GOD AND THE SWEET COMMUNION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BE WITH US ALL even as He crowns it up with eternal life. Dear reader i pray for you that you might make heaven and escape eternal doom (AMEN)

  41. whoever came up with this article is MAD and needs serious deliverance. nothing more than a plot to rubbish the names of these respected and seasoned ministers of God. may that fire u claim u saw burn your throat. idiot!

  42. go back to sleep,God will never appear or speak to anyone in this world nor take you round to either heaven or hell fire. My Good God is not a human being that could usher you around,stop deceiving people,we are wiser than you think. Politicians would lie,men of God will do the same.

    • Brethren,we ar nt talkin abt wether Bishop is in hell or not but what abt us dat are living? are we in right track wit God? hav u stop 4 awhile and thought of what wil happend 2 u if u die now,where are u going,hell or heaven,let us think about ourself now and not d dead please.God is d only true God,let us serve him in truth.

  43. Thanks very much, for all that after the lord our god gave you the opportunity to see the men in hell, where you satisfied with just that, why not allowed to see the people in heaven,if people like, general sani abacha, alhaji musa yar adua, dagrine, osamabinladin isin there,why only pastor, and not the politicians,please if you people want to tell us that hell is real stop given example that look like drama. Was that the reason for your fasten?


  45. BRETHREN, we have all heard all dat dis prophet has said, i believe in the true messiah JESUS CHRIST, before u say something is fabicated or not u ve to examine it, i think weda false or true its a warning, dont do as i do but as i say many pastors tell their followers, i believe in d area that stated dat even d day u followers of these ministers shall not perish if dey hold onto d truth. now if we claim dat on d last day JESUS wil judge all of us and dat no one is in hell yet, dont u also think dat d day u die can also be d last day and u can also be judged same day, i believe dat people are already in hell, if not does it mean david, disciples of CHRIST and all those who died ages ago are still in d dust? i think what we ought to do now is to say LORD JESUS, I KNOW I HAVE ERRED AND SINNED AGAINST U IN DIVERSE WAYS, FORGIVE AND SAVE ME FROM D DEN OF HELL TODAY, OPEN MY EYES TO KNOW AND FOLLOW D TRUTH, AMEN.

  46. Oh ye Muslims….I want u 2 knw dat Jesus Christ has come decades b4 Mohammed,nd he has been presented as the only way true way 2 d kingdom of God,so d bible says which has been existing b4 quran nd I read it in ur quran whr he described him as d only truth nd d way….go nd read John 3-16,John 3-36,nd John 14-6.It is den you wl knw dat Jesus is only d way,If ur so called Mohammed did’nt accept Jesus as his lord and saviour b4 he died,den he wl have his portion in d lake of fire.Ur quran did’nt record all d acts of d apostles dat preachd d gosple of christ b4 mohammed dat y ur knowledge abt d efficassy of Jesus christ’s coming 2 d world is shallow.D pastor dat talkd abt his experience in hell shld nt be blamed cos it was a vision nd nt dat God was ushering him arnd.

  47. My dear friends,as i read thro the revelation of that man,my heart was greatly distressed,i said to myself God of my salvation have your mercy upon me:As long as the Lord God liveth he shall continue to reveal himself in any available vessel believe it or not the man has delivered his message.Repentance is all we need now not debate.Some are busy quoting bible to their self will,mind you these pastors know the bible more than you can ever imagine,the message is clear Repent.I do know that we all believe in the book of Revelations in the bible,now let me ask you guyz a question,why did you believe in that book?have we seen it happen?yet this one revelation this man is saying we are doubting,what make us think he was nt there?There is a book HEAVEN IS SO REAL by a korean lady who saw her parents in hell now do we say she fabricated that lie?who would want to say that of their parents?yet she did because she wants the whole world to know how real hell is.Jesus asked her to pen it down for people to read,she also had her revelations in the place of prayer similar to this man.Brethen in the Lord Jesus Christ lets hold tight to words of the Lord,ofcos he is coming believe,Repent and be Vigilant at all times.Shalom

  48. Thanks for your post. This calls for everyone to put their relationship right with God. He wants us to serve Him with all our hearts. No time for worldliness and worldly living.
    If you’ve not given your life to God, this is the right time to do that.

  49. The bible says that the god of this world has blindfolded many that even if they see or hear the truth they will never believe. Please friends be careful of what you say about the servants of God because you might be offending the Holy Spirit. If you do not know what to say keep quiet. God alone is the supreme judge.

  50. it’s a warning to repent,amend your ways.damilola should study d his bible and ask the holy spirit for understanding.brother sadiq is not a muslim he is a servant of the lord jesus. study your bible not your pastors,celebrate jesus not men.bless u.



  52. Philippians 2:12,work out your salvation with fear nd trembling,stop bein a rumour moger regardless of what we hear, this is the end time nd lots of things will happen,we will see it, hear it but those who worship nd fear the Lord, those are His sheep nd He will never allow hurt to come their way,just focus on your salvation nd ur personal relationship with God…God bless.

  53. brothers and sisters in the Lord, I’m not saying what this man said is true or false but on judgement day you won’t deny the fact you were warned, he isn’t the only one it also happened live in my church and the same thing he said is also what was said in my church Benson Idahosa and Bimbo odukoya is in hell… hell is real please don’t call the holy spirit a liar he won’t forgive you and for the muslims God isn’t even looking at your side or else you believe Jesus is the son of God… if you still doubt this is my email [email protected] I’ll tell you everything you need to know

  54. D muslims neva cease 2 amaze. U see d truth u shy away frm d truth bcos of d philia u hav 4 ur religion..
    Dis write-up neva mentioned islam 2 b d way of salvation neither was any quranic verses stated here as scriptural references..so y were d muslim brethen saying it is warning 2 christians dat islam is the only way. U guys got it wrong, it is warning for all: warning for d muslims dat Jesus is d only way 2 salvation..dere is no salvation elsewhere, for d christian, it is warning 4 those who believe non-existence of hell-fire, d lukewarm christian, d dying-christian and d backsliders, and also d yet-to-give-their-life-to-christ individuals.

  55. How can a merciful God be so wicked to allow his creation to languish in hellfire for eternity? Oh jah! See how d heap reproach on ur fair name! D paint u r cruel As for hellfire its a scrap,heaven is not 4 everyone & we are waiting 4 a new heaven & new earth according to his promise,in these righteousness is to dwell. Gods kingdom is @ hand,repent & turn around. i don’t believe in peter calling names,my name is not up dr but am member of d great crowd dat will posses d earth.

  56. In summary, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. When you follow him hypocraticaly, he will deny you. When you worship him in truth and in spirit, he will surely preserve you a. mansion, robe and a crown.

  57. But you did not even tell us who u are, if someone from hell fire can still take his time and introduces himself then what more of u that ure still on earth… I can’t believe this bcos this could also be another deceiving way of the devil. Brethren pls hold and keep ur faith alive

  58. i can not be decieved by cooked up stories,dis guy is under an illusion of a demon who shows himself like light doe not d real light…if am to analyse each word dis guy said,i’ve be writing a book…but i will summerize it…1st question,wat is 40 days of fasting and prayer 4,wat is ur motive or reason of d fast..?,2nd…Wat is d name of place of prayer..does’nt it have a name…?…3rd question…wat is d name of ur lord…does’nt ur lord have a name….wat is my lord…?.my lord like a judge in a court..are u ashame to call his name….guys dont be decieve my dis man,jus lik our Lord Jesus warned us about false prophet,false christ…bro. Sadiq did not mention d name of Jesus,during dis interview,he did not call or mention d name of d place of prayer….place of prayer could be any where,either church,mosque,shrine or even in d bush,d reason of his fasting..we all know dat even occultic people,demons,unbelievers fast and pray to der gods..i have read books on dis subjects,heaven and hell…sadiq who said pastor Bimbo was der because of secret sin while some one else said is because of her wigs….cant u see dis is a big lie…i know God is no respecter of persons…sadiq who i know is a muslim,did’nt call his prophet, muhammad and his khailifas,his followers,suicid bombers,jihadist,his friends and colleaques,osama,imams,mullahs,sheikrs,adoff hitler,mohammad yusuf boko harm leader,who are all in hell,he is busy callin pastors name…am not surprise,because that is d same way their prophet,muhammad claim of seeing light and angel Gabriel,who revealed d quran to him,who stand between him and God,which we all know is satan because God does’t need an intermidator to show His power or reveal anything to someone and his imaginary night journey from jerusalem to heaven,to recieve a book of hate,war on unbelievers,child marriage,murder,curses,suicid bombing,vengeance,u name it,definitely dat’s not from God…God is love……God can not be mocked…Jesus is d way,d truth and d life,no man goes to d father expect him..John14:6….

  59. I don’t ve promble wit d preacher, the point is we all gonna die one day and the questoin is have we ever ask ourself where we’r goin if we die 2day or were have those who have die gone 2. The gosple truth is let all trun 2 the creator of the whole univers 4 is only in Him savation will be found. Just blieve one day we all gonna die and dere will b no time 4 dis agurment dat is goin on here over the reveation of the preacher who vist hell fire. The world has ended since day God created it, 4 God say to adam the day u shall eat of dis fruit u shall die and we all have b eating one or the other fruit dat will lead us to death. Remeba the death God told adam is nt physical death but spritual, so if u die 2day ur own world has end is only God dat knws where the dead is goin to. We dat is still living now don’t knw were those who ve die ve gone 2 weda heaven or hell. Just knw u workth u own savation and see Jesus as ur Lord and personal saviour.

  60. I believe this story, everything he said is in line with what the Bible said about end time. And some of this story has long being foretold before now by people. Their are people like him around whom God has shown Heaven and Hell. I have also seen a clue about hell. If u are given to prayer there is nothing the Lord can not review to u. Just believe and forsake ur old way. Many did not believe Jesus, is it him they will belief? But the truth must be told.

  61. Whether it is true or not, i pray may the Almighty God help n’see us through,and may God have mercy on us to make Heaven, bcos dat’s my desire.u guys shud stop judjing, blaspheming, insulting pple n’saying all sorts of words aginst each other, the main point is Repentance..

  62. @saint love. I think yo’ really lost in the message.
    the bottom line of the story, he called the name of JESUS CHRIST!
    Though he’s a Muslim but he still prayed whit Christian terms using the name of JESUS CHRIST the son of GOD.
    Well, that’s not what we should argue about. it is crystal clear that the end time is near and we all should watch and pray!

  63. @saint love.
    I think yo’ really lost in the message.
    the bottom line of the story, he called the name of JESUS CHRIST!
    Though he’s a Muslim but he still prayed whit Christian terms using the name of JESUS CHRIST the son of GOD.
    Well, that’s not what we should argue about. it is crystal clear that the end time is near and we all should watch and pray!

  64. First nd foremost am so glad for d comments of some of my brethrens here who really think like me,,like(Jeff,Kechywills,Adeola,Samuel,Pst Kay Okojie,Jarex,Pat,Susan,even a Muslim broda’s comment touched me,,,dats Mr.Abdulhameed)Brethrens,I beseech Thee all not to castigate dis words,remeber GOD is nt coming down HIMSELF to tell men,”oo dis d way”HE will send men to Us,pls weda real or fake,,lets Just pick what is ours,,lets retrace our life wt total submission to JESUS,,some brethrens say d man is a muslim,,No ,i tink dat was den,,,,nd some say he dint disclose his identity,,@TOU,,He did,his number was even there,,read it well,,Plss lets not throw everytin away,,I think he is a born again Muslim,,bcos he made mention of His Pastor. And am sorry to say,,all dis converts to Christians are more fervent dan most of us that are born Christians,,,remember Apostle Paul,,,finally brethren Remember d words of dat richman in hell,,,wat he said,,in,,Luke.16:28,,,dat He had 5brodas on earth,dey shud pls go nd warn dem,,,bt wat wa d response,,,in vs 31,,,If dey dont hear moses,nd d prophets,neither wil dey be convinced if some one should rise from the dead,,plsss I beg U all,,lets not be among those stubborn ones who wud just spat on dis vital warnings from GOD,,,I pray GOD bestow us wt HOLY SPIRIT of Discernment in JESUS name,,Amen,,,,See U all in HEAVEN @ d MASTERS feet

  65. All dis fake fake pastors wonder which day una go end all dis deceptive ways,and inflicting minds with fear…dis story wer una write so was written by sum1 different who claimed to have been to hell,now anoda person with dsame story and everything said he went to hell and saw all dis pastors…God will never condemn any1 unjustly cos HE ain’t human

  66. Any word that is not in conformity with scripture should be thrown back to Hell. I couldn’t read all of this, but its disgusting. Let me tell you if u do not know, out of this world is timeless eternity where our unit of time does not apply over there….no one can tell u how long they have been. And again, fasting for forty days is not a surety that you will encounter God….Mohammed was in a fast wen he got the Islamic encounter, Budha, Eck, Hare, Krshna, Guru and others were all in a fast when they encountered demons that introduced them to their faith that led them to their fate…even Jesus Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and d devil appeared to tempt him…..Man must live by every word that proceeds from the written word of God

  67. Since many preachers that spread the gospel and save many souls end up in hell, cos of little sins that God cannot forgive, then I fell it’s better to live a sinful life to the fullest. Since as a believer u don’t know what can be brought against u at judgement, why border urself trying to please a God that is looking for an excuse to throw u in hell?

  68. Wether u like it or not hell is real, heaven is real. Jesus is real and He will come again is as sure as tomoro is. The choose of where u’ll end up is urs. Repent today, turn from ur evil ways, give ur life to Christ and u are sure of eternity in heaven. U first must believe.

  69. So many people are realy suffering from schizophenia ooo hmmmmm…does this mean everyoNe going to hell fire??he with no siN cast d first stone..as far as I uNderstand from d bible I read judgment is after rapture n pls allow d dead rest in peace.stop dreaming n hallucunating is a siN.trasH May GOD see us tru THE LIGHT of TRUTH.we all knw good n evil GOD advises we choose GooD.just be rigjteous n learn d greatest commandment which is LOVE..shallom

  70. all that glitters is not gold. here comes a warning to mankind. if you believe it do what is right but if you don’t continue doing what pleases you but I can assure you that we allow the pleasure of this world to rule us, cars, money,women, ego, selfishness

  71. All we need is to focus on the love of God,trust in Him n He will show us the way.Do not be deceived by the so called prophets.Read the Bible meditate n the Lord will direct our paths.BEWARE FOR HELL IS REAL!!!!!!

  72. Surprise!!! Dis is d only page I v seen a lot of people commenting of one topic. D lord is present here. If u dnt believe dis message or if u r one of does saying bad abt dis, I pray dat God 4gives u 4 u do not knw wat u r saying. U r only scared 2 believe d truth. If dis message is framed by idiqi, den God only used his name here cos it is HE the Almigthy God who wrote dis, not idiqi or visitation to hell fire. Oh Lord!!! I know u r here, pls give me the strenght 2 fight d evils around me, give d spirit 2 understand u more n proclaim ur good will. I love u lord n I wnt 2 spend d rest of my life knowing you.

  73. Paul and John the Beloved went up hither and were shown things to come and they weren’t even fasting for forty days so where did you get this new pattern from? that you went to hell indicates that you’ll end up there for the Saints I mentioned earlier ended up in Glory afterwards.by their fruits we know them that are&will be in hell already.

  74. Mr sadiq keep it up may God keep upgrading U in jesus name.
    You see this heaven and hell people are arguing is a real place but is all about choice.let me give you some practical of it.every day human are busy for one thing or another.fornication and adultery is almost leading now in the world asisted by drug,alcohol,cultism,pride,power,famous,deceitful,materialism,self righteousness,homo sexuals,lesbians,selfishnes even among the so call born again,why must somebody say that man of God that did God’s work can not be found in hell,if they are not found which means God lied in the bible,ofcourse God can never lie,his word is A and Amen.if they are not there then the hell fire is not complete,God is not a respecter of any one.be U president of the world or pastor of the whole world,God doesn’t count U as anything he only count your work in humanity hw U r touching people’s life through what he bless U with there is something U have ur neighbour don’t have then share with him ur wisdom,gift,talent,money,food,clothe,house,protection,guide,b/cus one day we will all die and give account of our life, U human being arguing about hell fire and heaven may almighty God open Ur eyes and brain b/cus if I say eyes U might even see but would not understand I pray God will give U his grace to do his will in jesus name amen e.t.c.

  75. Oga mi pls go through another 100 days fasting, so you can go to heaven this time, cause you are so blind. May God forgive you, for all the insults you reigned on these men of God, who did nothing but lived for God and gave many people reasons to live. You just want to be popular, you should have also helped us with your pictures so we turn you to a great star. Lord have mercy on you. Pls every follow the scriptures, study and do according to what u have studied. Jesus came to died for the world and left a comforter in us, THE HOLY SPIRIT. Pls let Him guide u, teach you and lead you. Godbless you all.

  76. 100% True. those Christians that are calling the author of this reavelation Mr. Devil, Fake, Liar, Satan E.t.c, Is worse than the devil himself. they are working for satan the enemy. We are called to bear witness of the truth and not LIAR. As i said before, so now i will say it again: Whoever Is Against this genuine revelation is a son of the devil, and the devil is his/her father. Because the Holy Bible make us to understand that Devil is a LIAR and the father of LIAR and all LIARS.

  77. Greetings, In Jesus wonderful name. Thank you for guiding me back to the path of the Lord. My father was a warlock. My children walked away, my opportunities for advancement were sabotaged. My chance to get a degree, a great career, ministry and husband was manipulated, I was forced to marry the wrong man, my child as a baby, a spell was cast on her, and she has no feelings for me, but the one who stole her, Like Job, I need to fast. Fighting all of my life”

  78. From: Isabella F. Bettencout, how do I reverse the curses from the evil realm that have been designed to take me out of here before the time? I am called to preach the gospel, but lost sight of what is right. Sorcerer’s, warlocks, witches, fight me for no reason. Help me!

  79. it is wonderful message to whom want to save and see the kingdom of heaven.the vision by bro sodiq ibrahim,bro kelvin steward and iretioluwa primary 3 were real.it is the same message thing with my vison.i have stopped worship in church.
    this is message for everybody to whom will believe,save and seek for God deliver from satan.God revealed people living in the world.how they generated from satan.how they started born satan such as witch,wizard,mami water,emere and so on.these are the angels of satan. it is meant.you cannot see ordinary human being but only angel of satan.they spread all over.it is meant, evils born evils.no ordinary human being like me.it is reasoned why i am always purse by the people, talk of me,expose me.nigerians try to kill me by spiritual attack and so on.people in the darkness cannot see but only people in the light can see.where are the people in the light?these pastors you mentioned and others are not from God.God did not call them.it is when God open your spiritual eyes and speak, you can understand and believe.