Aids Weight Loss
One banana has 11% of the RDA of dietary fibre and only about 108 calories. This means it’s a healthy addition to the diet of people trying to lose weight. The fibre in bananas not only keeps digestion regular, but also helps maintain low blood sugar and curbs overeating.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Studies show that the high amounts of potassium in bananas (over 13% of the RDA) can lower one’s blood pressure, which in turn lessens the possibility of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.
Bone Health
Along with lowering blood pressure, potassium prevents the weakening of the body’s bones. A high sodium intake, which is typical of many American diets, can cause excessive amount of calcium to be lost through the urine, which threatens not only the strength and general health of the bones, but also negatively affects blood clotting, proper muscle contraction, and normal nervous system function. The potassium found in bananas neutralizes the high amounts of sodium in one’s diet, thus allowing for healthy amounts of calcium to remain within the body.
High Nutrient Absorption
The potassium in bananas is not the only means to ensure healthy levels of calcium in the body. Bananas also contain high levels of fructooligosaccharide (FOS) that–along with insulin–promotes calcium absorption. FOS further nourishes healthy bacteria in the colon that manufacture vitamins and digestive enzymes that boost the body’s overall ability to absorb nutrients.
Healthy Digestive Tract
Bananas can diminish the uncomfortable effects of diarrhoea and constipation. The high amounts of potassium in bananas can restock electrolytes that are easily depleted when suffering from diarrhoea — potassium being an important electrolyte itself. Furthermore, bananas can relieve the body from constipation and help restore regular digestion with pectin, a soluble polysaccharide that helps normalize the digestive tract.
Rugged Gut
Bananas protect the healthy constitution of the stomach in two ways. Firstly, they trigger the production of mucus in the stomach, which provides a protective barrier against stomach acids. Secondly, bananas possess protease inhibitors, a substance that breaks down bacteria in the stomach that cause ulcers. (Moreover, protease inhibitor also obstruct the replication of certain cells and viruses, including HIV.)
Cancer Prevention
A large study by the Internal Journal of Cancer illustrates that the probability of developing kidney cancer is greatly lessened by frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables, though especially bananas. For instance, the probability of developing kidney cancer in female subjects decreased by 50% when eating bananas four to six times a week.
Vitamin B6
One banana has an impressive 34% of the RDA of vitamin B6, which serves many important roles in the body’s health. For example, the B6 in bananas acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps ward off cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, as well as obesity. B6 also contributes to the maintenance of the lymphoid glands that ensure the production of healthy white blood cells that protect the body from infection. Finally, the vitamin B6 in bananas plays a pivotal part in cell formation and proper nervous system function, making one banana a day a healthy and delicious choice.
Bananas Provide Energy
Because of the abundance of vitamins and minerals, bananas are a great source of natural energy. Eating only two bananas will give you enough energy to exercise or workout for an hour and a half. Bananas are also ideal for eating during that midday lull when you feel tired and sluggish. Instead of drinking caffeine or having a sugary snack, bananas provide a level of energy that lasts longer without the dramatic crash caused by caffeine.
Potassium is Vital for Performance
Because they are rich in potassium, bananas help the body’s circulatory system deliver oxygen to the brain. This also helps maintain a regular heartbeat and a proper balance of water in the body. Potassium is also helpful for reducing strokes and regulating blood pressure because of the way it promotes circulatory health.
Bananas Can Lift Your Spirits
Bananas have a chemical called tryptophan – the same chemical that turkey contains. This mood regulating substance contains a level of protein that helps the mind relax so you feel happier. According to, people suffering from depression often report feeling better after eating a banana.
Eat a Banana during Your Monthly Visitor
Instead of taking pills designed to reduce your menstrual pains, bananas can be a great help. As stated on, bananas have a level of vitamin B6 that helps to regulate blood glucose level and help your overall mood.
Increase Your Brain Power with Bananas
In addition to banana health benefits, they can also help you with your mind. discusses a study with 200 students who were asked to eat one banana three times a day – breakfast, recess and lunchtime – along with their normal meals. What they found was that the potassium in the bananas boosted their brainpower and made them more alert during their classes while they followed the regimen.
Eat Bananas after a Night of Partying
The natural ingredients in bananas and their ability to replenish the body’s vitamins make them an ideal way to reduce the effects of a hangover. Put a couple bananas in the blender with some plain yogurt and add some honey to sweeten the taste. The fruit tends to calm the stomach and the honey helps to restore the blood sugar levels to normal. Similarly, bananas can help people who are trying to quit smoking. The B vitamins and other minerals that they contain reduce the physical and psychological effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Bananas are Rich in Iron
For people suffering from a deficiency in iron, bananas help to give your body the iron that it needs. As a result, they help promote haemoglobin production so your blood can clot faster in case of a cut or serious injury.