3 Romantic Things To Do On A Three-Day Weekend.

romantic couple

Monday is Memorial Day, and for some of you, that means a three-day weekend! These minivacation gems can be much-needed breaks in a couple’s hectic schedule, so instead of packing the time full of errands, trips, and stress-inducing activities, why not keep it mellow and romantic? Here are three love-filled ways to spend your three-day weekend:

Spend the Day in Bed
Not gettin’ busy, per se, but just snuggling up and being lazy. “Activities” can include watching TV, enjoying breakfast and coffee in bed, catching up on your magazine/book reading, and browsing the Internet together.


Take a Walk Down Memory Lane
Visit a place that has sentimental value to the two of you, maybe somewhere you haven’t been in a long time. It could be a frozen yogurt shop where you shared a meaningful date or a park where you had your first kiss. Whatever it is, it’ll be a sweet time for reminiscing.

Have a Movie Marathon
Rent a stack of your favorite DVDs, pop some popcorn, and cozy up on the couch for a flick fest. You could go with a series (Harry Potter would be my choice!), a back and forth between his picks and yours, or just a “best of” collection that includes favorites you and your honey have seen together.




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