Officials of Enugu Rangers FC are considering reporting the Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA) to Fifa over claims the league body refused to pay the Nigerian club appearance fee, after competing at the President Cup tournament.
A Chief Executive officer of the Enugu outfit, Ozor Paul Chibuzor, said since the GHALCA has refused to redeem their pledge, the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) Club will now take the case to world football governing body Fifa.
“We have done everything possible to collect our money and settle the case amicably but we have achieved nothing,” Chibuzor said. “We are tired of writing and calling for our money, we have advised ourself and we will take it to Fifa.”
“Nigeria and Ghana have good relationship that’s why we wanted to settle this case amicably but it seems the association don’t want it that way.
“We have document of every discussion we had with the association and we will send it to Fifa. We are highly disappointed in the Ghana League (NPFL) Clubs Association.”
Information from the Press Association was used in this report.