My Husband Cheats On Me With Two Women And I Still Love Him [Advice Needed]

A hurt and betrayed woman writes in, trying to come to terms with the thought that the person who she trusted the most, her husband, has betrayed her with two different women.


I’ve been with my husband for about 16 years, since I was 16 and he 18. I’ve always thought we had a very special and kind relationship. We have no children yet.

Last year, I found out that he had started up an affair with a younger woman, his coworker. When I initially confronted him about his distant behaviour, he denied having any affair, saying he wouldn’t dishonour me like that.

However, when his affair got out of hand, I asked him again, and he confessed having sex with her – without protection. He spent hundreds of dollars on gifts for her. All this time, he was telling me he was busy at work and I actually believed it and tried not to disturb him.

Then, I got my hands on his phone, his BBM and Facebook messages. I almost got a heart attack when I figured he was having an affair with TWO women. Two different women. And, according to the messages, he has had sex with the both of them. Most of all now, I’m afraid I might have contracted a disease from him.

I am disgusted, angry, hurt, ashamed, I’ve no words to explain how awful I feel. I love this man because he’s really been there for me all those years, the only family I have. The more unreal it seems that he’d betrayed me.

What do I do?