The home of the Acting Chief Judge of Adamawa State, Justice Ambrose Mammadi, has been invaded by men of the Nigerian Army as the plan to impeach the Adamawa State Governor Murtala Nyako and his deputy, Bala Ngillari, goes on.
The recent development comes after reports surface that Justice Ambrose Mammadi was coerced at gun point to make the seven-man committee to investigate the governor and his deputy.
When Reporters paid a visit to the Justice Ambrose Mammadi’s home yesterday, armed soldiers were protecting the street and kept strangers, vehicles and pedestrians away from the area.
Vanguard say that the seven man list panel went to the Acting Chief Judge by the House of Assembly for ratification and announcement.
There is also a religious angle to the panel, as there are five Christians and 2 Muslims, this was aimed to fire the deputy governor and cage the governor.
There is also quite a disturbing scene, because the tenure of the Acting Chief Judge expires today and the seven man panel which is to handle the process of the impeachment is scheduled to have its inauguration tomorrow.
A reliable source told Vanguard: “The acting CJ had no choice but to carry out the ‘order from above’ and save himself from persistent intimidation and harassment from a Brigade Commander.
”What is happening is that they have made up their mind to strangulate everyone to ensure that Gov Nyako is thrown out and be arrested and treated as a common criminal for leaving PDP and joining APC and having the courage to speak out when it mattered.”
It’s been revealed that Nyako had no choice but to appeal the strange decision of the CJ to raise the panel to probe him without being served as required by the law.
Sources: Vanguard
Dz Sahara Reporters sef. Wetin una dey do no b journalism. Na opposition politics una dey play