Dencia says nobody supported her ‘Ebola’ campaign


Dencia has been away from the spotlight for a while and it seems like she wants a little media attention.

On September 3, 2014, controversial pop star and entrepreneur, Reprudencia Sonkey aka ‘Dencia’ decided to share her feelings about the dreaded Ebola virus disease known in a 10 minute-video she released online.


In the video, teary-eyed Dencia took her time to lecture people on the history and origin of Ebola, dishing out statistics on the number of lives Ebola has claimed since the scourge resurfaced in March this year.

Dencia, who currently lives in Los Angeles, said she would personally put down £250,000 dollars towards helping combat the disease through the Dencia Foundation For Hope.

One month after, another Liberian who took the dreaded disease to the United States of America, died on October 8 and while mourning his death, Dencia shared a lengthy post on her Instagram page in which she laments the lack of support for her campaign against the dreaded disease.

Read her post below: –

‘My heart goes out to Mr Duncan and his family. I think I over reacted on my last post because America has gotten me out of a lot of trouble in a heart beat. A lot of us are judging America now but we forget we haven’t Done anything to help Our Continent & our people. A month ago, I created a Gofundme Campaign to help raise Money to help our people, Not 1 African Contributed a $ but we are quick to judge America (including me for his death) I personally Donated as much as I could to UNICEF & I was raising money to partner with them to help people,. If we can’t help ourselves, why do we expect help from others? I remember seeing comments like (we should report her campaign to the police she wants to steal money, No blog posted the campaign) I don’t need to collect money from people for myself because I have made enough money in 1 year to last me 10years of luxury. Before we point fingers at America and other countries, we need to look within. If we tried harder to help our people, they won’t need to die on the streets, they won’t need to come and die in a foreign land. So before we comment let’s think of what we have done or not done for Africa. The Media may never report what I do to help my people but God sure rewards us for what we so to our neighbors. Have a blessed day guys & Dolls.’