Man pooed on council office floor in protest at ‘dwarf discrimniation’

A man has said he had a poo in a council office because he was being discriminated against for being a dwarf.


Ian Salter-Bromley, 54, made the dirty protest in the reception and toilets in council building in Hull.


He told the staff they were ‘useless f******’ before pulling down his pants and pooing twice.

He was warned that he faces jail as a result of spreading poo and urine throughout the Wilson Centre.

Salter-Bromley also told an Asian man ‘you should go back to your own country’, and pulled his arm back as though he was going to punch a receptionist, according to the Hull Daily Mail.

He said that not enough had been done to accommodate his needs at his council flat and items in his kitchen were 8ins too high for him to reach.

Judge Jeremy Richardson QC told him: ‘You conduct yourself in an uncivilised way, which you seem to relish.’

He added: ‘It is vital that you conduct yourself in a civilised fashion.

‘Individuals who suffer similar medical problems, tragedies or disabilities usually conduct themselves with decorum, in a seemly, civilised way. As such, people are only too willing to help.’

He was given a 21-day suspended prison sentence.


Source: Metro