5 things you should Know About Snapchat’s New SmartGlass



Spectacles, the new device by Snapchat. Inc( as the company has been recently renamed) is the first hardware device by the company and here are 5 things you should know about the device;


  • One tap of a button near the hinge can record up to 10 seconds of video from a first-person vantage and with every new tap, a new video is recorded.
  • The spectacles have an 115-degree angle lens which is wider than a typical smartphone
  • The images are fundamentally different from smartphone images
  • It was first tested in 2015 by  Snapchat CEO, Evan Spiegel when he was on a vacation
  • The device will be available in a one size fits all and in  black,teal and coral colours
  • The device will be available by fall and would sell for about $129.99