5 Daddy Must Have Items In Hospital Bag For Delivery

Daddy Must Have Items In Hospital Bag For Delivery:

Simple and straight requirements! Here we go:

1. Medical Records, Insurance Papers, ID Cards:

Keep these in a separate bag for your husband, to reach out to them when he takes care of all the formalities at the hospital.

2. Change of Clothes:

Yes, because Daddy needs to look good too!

3. Entertainment for Both of You:

Books, Magazine, iPad, iPod, etc.

4. Camera & Smartphone:

To capture those special moments. He will not be able to stop clicking pictures every time he sees his baby. So don’t forget the charger!

5. Sweets for All:

You don’t necessarily need to pack this, but can remind your spouse to buy from the nearest store.

So, there you go –  now you know how to prepare hospital bag for delivery, 10 essential things for your baby, 5 for you and 5 for Daddy.