Shocker: Woman Exposed After Drugging Her Own Husband So She Can Sleep With Other Men In Their Home

A testimony in a Maltese court has revealed that woman used to drug her husband to be able to sleep with other men in the home they shared.

According to a report by The Independent Malta, the woman also used to watch pornography in the presence of her children before they went to school, and there were occasions when she took her children to a playground and left them there while she was picked up by other men.

In its judgment, the court presided by Madam Justice Abigail Lofaro ordered the woman to pay â‚Ĵ63,000 to her husband for child maintenance purposes, and she was ordered to pay him back â‚Ĵ1,700 for gold items she took.


The couple had seven children and, in his testimony in court, the man revealed that his former wife used to give him sleeping pills without his knowledge, mixing them up with food. She then used to have sex with other men while he used to be asleep. This was confirmed by the couple’s children who testified that they used to see their mother put sleeping pills in the man’s tea.

The woman had later abandoned the family home, leaving the man to take care of the children, who were still under age.

The children testified in court that their mother used to threaten them not to reveal that she was drugging her husband. There were times when the mother did not provide them with food and they were constrained to steal from a supermarket to be able to eat.

The two had married when the man was 38 years old and the woman 21, and the trouble began 10 years later when all the children had been born. The man noticed that his wife had changed and when he confronted her with this, she left the matrimonial home.

It was only after the woman left that the children built enough courage to tell their father what their mother had been doing. They said that when their father was at work, men used to come to their home. They had even seen their mother have s*x with other men.

They had also testified to their mother watching pornography before they went to school and being left alone in a playground while their mother was picked up by other men.

The children testified that since she abandoned the matrimonial home, their mother had never made contact with them.

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