[Advice Needed] She Does Not Want Me To Associate With Friends….. Please Help!!!

Dear Tee,

I have been dating this particular girl for the past four years and when we started it was a very good relationship and after 3 months of our courtship both our parents got to know and they were happy…but suddenly she started complaining about everything I do…she said I drink, I keep friends and most time she sees me as a stupid person. Now, she is going for a three year course in another state…I don’t know what to do…though I love her but I don’t wanna stop her dreams from coming true. But, with the nature of what I do, there is no way I won’t associate my life with other people…and we nearly fight everyday over issues that doesn’t make sense..and to my surprise my mom don’t really like her again cos she sees her as a pompous person and she thinks she may take advantage of me if we eventually get married. Please advise…


Dear FL,
I think you both should sit down and discuss what you really want… Do you guys still want the relationship? Do you love each other? Do you want to make it work? There and many other questions are what you should ask yourselves… If you still want the relationship, then you two should give up doing things that the other person does not appreciate….I am not saying you should leave you friends for her or you should stop her from pursuing her dreams…i am only saying that you two should give up unhealthy behaviors to really make it work.
Wish you well,

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