Sudan Denies UN Access in Darfur to Investigate Report of Mass Rape


There have been series of reports about mass rape of about 200 girls and women in Darfur but Sudanese troops have denied the United Nations and African Union Peace Keepers access in order to investigate the reports. ABC news reports:

The joint peacekeeping mission, known as UNAMID, was “deeply concerned” about reports of attacks in Tabit, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.

“A verification patrol was denied access to Tabit, in north Darfur, by Sudanese military at a checkpoint,” Mr Dujarric said.

He said an UNAMID team had then travelled to the Zamzam camp for displaced people to assess whether anyone had arrived from Tabit.

“Following a thorough assessment and interaction with residents and community leaders in the Zamzam area, the team concluded that no recent displacement from Tabit had occurred,” Mr Dujarric said.

“Also, as part of the investigation, UNAMID’s human rights officers have met with the chief prosecutor of north Darfur, who said that not a single complaint about any rape incident was received from Tabit.”