Osheba International Orphanage: Bringing Hope To The Disadvantaged


Bringing Hope to the Disadvantaged

Hunger and homelessness issues no longer plague only 3rd world countries in the 21st century. America’s children/teenagers as well as their families are faced with these problems as well. And these critical issues are driving many young teenage girls into various negative life-styles: i.e prostitution.  It was shocking to see the number of families who turned out for OIO’s “Feed the Hungry” event which was held a couple of months ago at a community park. Today’s children are the world’s future, and we cannot sit back with hands folded while they suffer and die in poverty due to faults not of their own. Nor would they lack the help they need in their situation.

This demonstrate once again the need to provide housing for these families to keep them away from the streets as well as provide a trade/training for the parents who do not have any skills, to become productive citizens. This will also boost self-esteem in these children, knowing that they have a place to call home and enable them to remain in school to excel in the 21st century. Osheba International Orphanage (OIO) is determined to restore hope back to these children and their families.


OIO was founded in the United States in 2008 by Tina Orode-King, born in Nigeria, and her husband, Pinkney King, jr. After the non profit organization was fully established, Tina and Pinkney took their passion for the hungry into the streets called, “feeding the hungry”. At this point, OIO is now taking this mission even further to build a campus in the U.S to be called “Osheba House of Grace”, and in 2012, an extension of this vision will commence in Nigeria. At its completion, Osheba house of grace will accommodate/restore over 500 children/youth and their parents respectively in both campuses, and reinstate them back into society as productive citizens.


In order to accomplish this tremendous humanitarian cause, OIO is embarking on a world-wide Fundraising campaign by asking individuals to make a $1 dollar donation at their website at: www.oshebaintlorphanage.org. The goal is to reach $1,000,000 dollars by December 31, 2011.


If you would like more information about this topic, or would like to interview Tina Orode-King, you may call us in the United States at 407-922-8929 or email us at: [email protected]


  1. This is an awesome and noble humanitarian cause. And as Nigerians all around the world, we must come together and support this cause to help those children who do not have the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful privileges that we and our children enjoys each day.