New Research Says Women are Getting Smarter than Men. Is this True?

James Flynn, a New Zealand-based researcher who is also known as an IQ testing expert, has just recently made public statements about a research which he just concluded but which is yet to be published. The findings of the research might be providing answers to the seemingly unending arguments about the sex which is more intelligent.

In his statement made to ABC News, Flynn said, “Over the last 100 years, everyone in the developing world has been gaining about three IQ points, but women have been gaining faster… This is the result of modernity. In every country where women have an equal chance of modernity, women have caught men [in IQ testing].”

According to him the data he used to conduct his research was from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Estonia and Argentina. And the data were on scores on a standard IQ test, called the Raven test. Each country tested at least 500 men and 500 women, most of them between the ages of 15 and 18.

He continues: “In all of those samples, women are the equal of men, perhaps scoring a half point or a point higher… As we enter the modern worlds, our minds change just as our automobiles have changed… Where women can have an equal chance to interface with the modern world, they equal on IQ and surpass on academic performance.”