LASTMA Murder Case: Banker, Yinka Johnson, Declared Innocent!

Yinka Johnson, the banker accused of crushing a LASTMA official to death on Friday August 10th has been freed of the murder charge. The police, some LASTMA officials, eye witnesses and some members of the press visited the scene of the incident yesterday Monday August 13th to investigate further and afterwards all agreed that Yinka’s car was not the car that hit and killed 33 year old Hammed Balogun. Eye-witnesses, including the one inside the bus that allegedly killed hammed, gave the police a clear account of what really happened that Friday.

After the investigation yesterday, the police officially dropped the murder charge and instead arraigned her for driving recklessly.

Yinka Johnson was brought to the Igbosere Magistrate Court today to face a one-count charge of driving recklessly. She was granted bail and ordered to pay fine. The case was adjourned to Sept 3rd.


  1. I am happy for yinka for how things turn out beautiful for her. Many people are suffering in the prison and in police station deliberately wrong accusations
    Trust our police yinka cannot walk away just like that she might sue for damages let’s charge her forreckless driving

  2. It is the case of one lucky person, a thousand had been wrongly accused, arraigned and sentenced. Let the Law enforcement agents be honest in the discharge of their duties. Let the fear of God guide them in the discharge of their duties and NIGERIA will be better for it. MAY GOD BE WITH US.

  3. We will need to congratulate the good people of Lagos state for standing by the truth which has now prevailed at long last. However, we should not forget in a hurry the terrible experience of the past few days. We however need to ask ourselves why the LASTMA officials have to go to the extent of framing up the banker for a murder charge ? I am asking this question because if not for providence and the tenacity of the good people of Lagos state, the banker would have been languishing in prison custody on the false accusation by LASTMA head of operation and his men.
    The action of the LASTMA head of operation Mr. Asafa and his men has caused terrible damage to the reputation and image of LASTMA and by extension to the Lagos state government.
    Now that police investigation has exonerated the banker of the murder charge leveled against her by the LASTMA officials, the police should now be courageous enough to formerly arrest Mr. Asafa and his men and arraign them in court on charges of conspiracy to bring false accusation under section 125 of the criminal code.
    This is the right thing to do at this point in time as it will go a long way in making sure people are held accountable for their misdeed.
    Asafa and his team of LASTMA officials should not be above the law of the land.

  4. I rejoice with Yinka and her family for her escape from this falsehood.God will continue to protect everyone of us from such.Kudos to eye witness that std. by her and to police for conducting good investigation wthout fear or favour.