‘Once Sacred Altar’ Turned To Political Podium At 2012 Holy Ghost Congress – Former RCCG Pastor


A former pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG Bankole Solomon has criticized the General Overseer of the church, Pastor E. A. Adeboye for allowing President Goodluck Jonathan and his aides into the church’s annual Holy Ghost Congress. He says it’s fast becoming a political congress.

In a statment released on the matter, Solomon questioned why the church’s GO would allow political opportunists mount their once sacred altar and speak deceitfully to Nigerians as he campaigned for 2015 during a gathering that was supposed to be spiritual.

“I know this post will attract a sharp condemnation because I worship in RCCG and I was once a pastor before I resigned voluntarily because of rights violation in the name of religion. I resigned in December 2010 but I am still worshipping there as an ordinary member. So, whatever I have here is without prejudice.

“Holy ghost congress of our great church is now a political congress where all shades of corrupt leaders will mount our altar to fool Nigerians on what they will do.

“Holy ghost congress is now a supermarket where all kinds of people like charlatans and political opportunists come shopping turning God to Father Christmas to give them end of the year bonus.

“Jonathan was even there turning our once sacred altar to political podium talking deceitfully and indirectly campaigning for 2015. My question is this. On what ground was President Jonathan allowed to speak to the people. Is he a pastor? Because the gathering is purely a spiritual gathering and event.

“I’ve been a pastor in Redeemed for the past 10 years and I’ve not got any opportunity to sit on dat altar not to talk of holding mic. If because Jonathan is a president and he is recognized, it means some are more equal than others.

“Immediately I left camp on Saturday morning, I looked at the camp very well because I know that would be the last I will set my foot to that Eagle Square called Redeemed Camp.”

Before Solomon released his statement, many members had grumbled about Jonathan’s presence at the camp and his subsequent “lies-ridden” speech, and had questioned among themselves why Pastor Adeboye would indulge President Jonathan as much as he did.

But come to think of it, wasn’t Jesus Christ referred to as friend of sinners while on earth? Now that Nigerians have obviously tagged Jonathan a deceitful person, I’d say Pastor Adeboye was just following his master’s footstep.


  1. Leaders have always been given chance to address the congregation wherever they are present but if Jonathan turned the pulpit to campaign podium it is his idiosyncracy not Papa Adeboye’s fault. I was not present there.

  2. Where in the Bible bans sinners from going to church & addressing the congregation. I don‘t worship with RCCG,so i don‘t know if their doctrines disallowed sinners from going for such a gathering. Pls don‘t belittle or blackmail Rev. E. A. Adeboye for cheap self-recognition as your write-up is faulty ma brother. So since you have never been on the podium or held the mic no body should right? That is so myopic & uncivilized. If President lies on the podium our God will strike him down disgracefully. Afterall he need our prayers in all he does.

  3. Pastor Adebayo cannot under basic moral obligation commandeer the boldness to turn back a whole president of a country. Two, courtesy demands that he should give him a chance to speak to his people since he was present. In fact, its a must. However, my problem with baba Adeboye is that he’s like GEJ in some ways, he’s always too intimidated to speak blunt truth. He prefers to coward under the excuse of “political neutrality”. All leaders are symbols–that unite us across our differences, and we always wait for their lead. He should have used that opportunity to tell Jonathan some truths and make reasonable Nigerians ask one or two public interaction with the president. Baba Adeboye stand and speak for the truth–for yóur people. They’re are waiting for your voice prompts to follow–even politically…

  4. solomon or what u say u r,if i happens to c u in prsn,i will flog u as means of correction. U aren’t a good servant that’s y u left Ps Adeboye.
    Just because u own church is not recogniced,or because u r a fake pastor doesn’t mean u have 2 stop ppl goin 2 serve God.
    U beta repent b4 God’s jugmnt falls on u.

  5. Are people so swallowed up by subjective feelings? any time their pastors r being criticized by people they go haywire. I v two things to tel those who cannot say d truth.. Read james 2:1-4 n why was d president allowed to speak to d congregation? He could attend d programme, fine, to listen to sermon nt to use d avenue to do his political jamboree..

  6. I am highly disappointed by Pastor Solomon’s comment here. Dr Goodluck Jonathan is the Nation’s President. God has a hand in his ascension to the presidency for the Bible says no one can become a leader outside God’s knowledge. What is wrong in our President mounting the altar to address the people. Pastor Solomon should ask God for forgiveness for his outburst.

  7. pls,pls&pls i wil say it all over again.it is like u guys dont read ur Bible,u only go2chuch4goin sake.where in d Bible do u c political office holders mountin d pulpit witout being genuinely bornagain just 4 their own selfish interest(2 b cont.)

  8. @Pastor Solomon…..Am very sure that you wouldnt have posted something like this if you have the spirit of God in you and if you truly read your bible.Jesus christ said that he dint come to this world because of righteous beings,he came for sinners.If pastors turn down sinners/liars then who do you think is suppose to correct them and put them back to the right path.in as much as pastor Adeboye is a man of God he can never turn down the request of a sinner so to say cos thats his major work to win souls for the lord and not to condemn them.I was at the Holy ghost congress and the only thing Pastor Adeboye did was to pray for him and Jonathan never used the opportunity as political forum.Dont let us put personal grief to spite or destroy another person.God help us all.