[Opinion] Women Should Adopt The Rule of Differentiation As a Means of Survival

From Africa to Asia and all over the continents of the world, several stories of injustice and mistreatment of women have been re-told to various extents and magnitudes. While some countries can boast of having overcome the obvious obstacles to the dilemma of female discrimination, for others the battle have been hardly fought and won.
The mistake women make all over the world is that they try to integrate with men and in the process lose their unique identity. For the woman in Nigeria, I shall continuously herald my cry till it has sunk into the hearts and minds of every female. Women are different from men. Women don’t have to fight like men. Women should not emulate men. Women must not solve problems like men.
What is this rule of differentiation that can work for women?
Simply ; The acceptance of the unique differences and circumstances that evolve around the women which can never be equaled and compared with the men.
The issuance of this differences into capabilities and roles that will enable the women to stand noticeably out as a workforce independent yet synergistic with men.
The compliance to the law of nature and the will of providence that have placed women in the midst of men, not to crisis-cross paths, but to move symmetrically.
How can the rule of differentiation work for women?
I don’t neglect reader’s responses because effective communication is the mutual exchange of the intellect. Allow me to share a piece made by a male in response to my post Nigerian men don’t have to sound like men. He wrote “…..it is the men that will determine the equality between sexes….”
Ridiculous as it may sound to women, I agree with him entirely. Why? 80% of the world’s most sensitive decisions are made by men, given that this is yet a male-dominated biosphere.
The rule of differentiation will make men:
Applaud women.
In the workplace, home front or at the national level, women should not submerge and eventually loss their identity in a male platform. Solve, contribute, suggest, mandate, decide as only a woman can do best. This will certainly score higher points for the ultimate shift of power.
Respect women.
Rather than challenge a man, women should question a man. Women are well equipped to probe and verify and should use that skill to advantage at all levels.The more women earn respect the more they will be sought after to solve problems.
Nominate women.
Men are physically inclined by nature.Women on the other hand have been blessed with exceptional intellects and intuition. This skill would come to great use in governance. No woman should intentionally engage in physical combat with a man. Women should simply engage men in intellectual debate( the more reason why we should spend more time developing our intellects). The more men recognize a woman’s competencies, the more women will be nominated at all levels.
This piece was not intended to promote sexist theory or DE-cry the familiar subject of gender discrimination. It is objectively a practical approach using the natural law of differentiation to attain the elusive synergistic compatibility between the roles and importance of men and women.
The `aim of this piece is towards a new Nigeria come 2020 where there is an enviable blend of resources and productivity through an equal union of the male and female work force.
Susan Uchenna
[email protected]


  1. Well Every woman should stand up for her right……..Women of this age tend to forget that women fought to eliminate dichotomy btw blacks and white in the US(Rosetta Park), fought for Independence in Nigeria(Hajia Suwaba, Funmilayo Kuti) fought to eliminate domestic taxation (Aba women riot) struggled and even dominated over some Men Politically in the so claimed male dominated world..Rita Lori Ogbebor, Maria Egu(single handedly brought Imo airport to Ngor Okpala and made Ngor Okpala d head quarter’s of Old Owerri Local govt)Paullen Tallen, Dame Etiaba, Ngozi Okonjo, Oby Ezekwesili are women…i would always say limitation is a product of your thought Women should learn to take charge of their destiny and not live it in the hands of their Husbands….For me i still remain an advocate of gender equality….i wont appoint a woman minister when i become the president simply for gender sake but for what she has achieved…Stella Oduah was the initiator of neighbour to neighbour campaign fo President Jonathan today she is a powerful Aviation minister…so women wake up…wake up