For Ladies – 4 Top Causes Of A Smelly Private Part

Most women experience feminine issues from time to time. Feminine odor is especially frustrating, because it can leave you feeling unclean and gross, even if that’s not the case. There are lots of causes for feminine odor, but here are the top four culprits.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common cause of vaginal odor. Every vagina is filled with naturally occurring bacteria, and BV is simply an overgrowth of those bacteria. Most women in their reproductive years will experience at least one case of BV. The cause is unknown, but unprotected sex and frequent douching can put you at a higher risk. Other symptoms include itching, soreness and discharge. Some cases of BV will go away on their own, but Planned Parenthood recommends that all women with BV symptoms visit their doctor for treatment to prevent rare but serious complications. Treatment for BV is usually as simple as a course of antibiotics.

A yeast infection is also very common (and very uncomfortable!). They present signs much like BV, with the addition of a thick, white discharge. Yeast infections do not require antibiotics and instead can be treated with one- or three-course vaginal anti-fungal treatments. Treatment for yeast infections has become very simple and can even be purchased over-the-counter. Most of these treatments tend to get messy, so it’s better to use them overnight.

Some STD’s can cause feminine odor, the most common are chlamydia and gonorrhea. Both diseases are common and easy to treat, but can cause serious complications if they go untreated. Unfortunately, both are also often not quickly diagnosed because they may or may not produce symptoms. The most common symptoms of chlamydia and gonorrhea include painful urination and pus-like discharge, although an unpleasant odor is often present as well. See your doctor immediately if you are experiencing any of these symptoms and avoid risk by abstaining or using protection during sex.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) occurs when bacteria travel through the vagina into the uterus. It is often a late-stage result of an STD not diagnosed, such as chlamydia. PID usually is not diagnosed until you experience chronic pain or have trouble getting pregnant because often,it does not present symptoms. If symptoms of PID are present, they may include pelvic pains, odor, heavy discharge, fever, fatigue, painful intercourse or painful urination. PID can be treated with antibiotics, though it may leave behind scar tissue that has lasting effects..
If you are experiencing any of these, the best bet is too see a medical doctor for proper treatment.


  1. All what was said above are true,I have had the encounter with B.V like twice in my lifetime and both were at the initial stages so I could quickly treat it. I’m not the type to use just any toilet so when I first had it I was shocked and complained to the doctor who said its not necessarily the careless usage of any toilet that it can be caused by many factors e.g wearing unclean panties,douching,not sun drying your panties because heat is very important (even ironing isn’t too much),washing the private part with toilet soap and not medicated soap,heat to the genitals too is very bad i.e allow breeze by going nude sometimes at night.e.t.c. I’m not saying its a must to follow for some ladies or even doing all these will guarantee not getting it but the chances would be slimmer and not forgetting clean water when cleansing yourself after using the convenience. Thank you.

  2. Im terribly amazed at the level of ignorance some commentators posted,women private part is never meant to be washed,the truth is that ,it has a natural mechanism of self cleansing.This article explains everything u need to know about basic hiegene,its a pathetic misunderstanding of a clear and well prepared article.
    Tootpicks,cotton-boards,medicated and antiseptic soaps are grossly misused for removing trapped debris from tooth,cleaning ears and washing private parts respectively,all these are gross misconception.