Alves Offered His Liver for Abidal’s Life-Saving Transplant Last Year.

Barcelona defender Dani Alves offered Eric Abidal his liver after he found out that his former team-mate and close friend needed a transplant.

Eric Abidal.
Eric Abidal.

France international Abidal was diagnosed with a tumour in his liver in March 2011 and underwent a transplant a year later with his cousin Gerard the donor.

And the 34-year-old – now at Monaco – has revealed that Alves offered to be his donor, while the Brazil international has also taken on Abidal’s old No 22 shirt in his honour.


Abidal told Catalunya Radio: “My relationship with Dani goes much further than him taking my old No 22 shirt. When I had to undergo surgery, he offered to donate his liver.

“Of course, it’s completely out of the question because he is a professional footballer. Our relationship goes much deeper than friendship.”