Nigeria’s Queen of Soul, Lami Phillips Talks Her Unique Music Style And Upcoming Album

Lami Phillips who is one woman who draws inspiration from the likes of Seal and Sade and stands out from the music crowd in Nigeria with her different kind of well written beautiful soul music.

Lami’s songs include Baby feat Kel and Mo’ cheddah, Ori Mi Wu feat Ice Prince amongst other hit singles.
In this interesting interview, the beautiful mom of one, talks music, family and upcoming album. Enjoy it!


Lami Phillips

Let’s know about you Lami, your educational background and things you enjoy doing?
I have a Bachelors in Business Administration, a Masters in Change Management and an Executive MBA from Penn State Uni.
I enjoy the simple things; spending time with my family, travelling and exploring new places in the world, watching comedy and cartoons, Eating out..
What’s your genre of music?
The more I evolve as an artiste the more that question baffles me because music transcends genres. At my core I am a soul artiste but that can be funksoul, afrosoul, hiphop soul, raggesoul..etc.
What is the reception of your genre of music in the Nigerian music industry.
To be honest, ive been doing this in Nigeria for only four years and not even consistently.. So the fact that people celebrate me and accept me is very humbling.
What do you think about people who change from their natural genre of music to another just to fit into the current demand of club bangers?
No comment
What inspired your passion for music and who has been there supporting you from the beginning?
My family.. In particular my husband.
Which other female artistes do you admire and would you like to work with?
Asa, Jill Scott, Lauryn Hill..
How do you feel about people downloading music rather than buying physical copies?
On one hand, its great that there is a demand for your music and your fans want it that bad, on the other hand it is imperative that some structure is put in place to ensure musicians are paid for thier work.
How do you feel about the music industry today?
Thats a loaded question.. I dont have “feelings” about the industry. I have a few opinions. I believe the industry is doing well and developing as well as it can. Its creating jobs and encouraging Nigerians to nurture thier talents.
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
I stopped answering that question.. God holds the key to that!!
Which artistes have you collaborated with and who have you always dreamt of working with and why? How would you go about accomplishing this?
Eldee,2face, ice prince,soundsultan,MI, kel, ID Cabasa,
Hopefully I will make time to work with more Nigerian female artistes..
What is the greatest thing about working in the music industry? And what would you change if you had the opportunity?
Being able to do what you are passionate about and making a living (and a difference) from it.
Lami Phillips..
If you could have asked anyone for advice when you were starting out. Who would you have liked to ask? What would you have liked to ask? 
Im not big on advice that way. Everyones life and path is different. For me I observe and learn as much as i can from other peoples mistakes. In the end, i still make my own mistakes and love that i learn from it! Thats life!!
From your experience in the entertainment industry what advice could you offer people looking to get where you are today?
Let God lead you.. Whatever you decide to do..
From your experience so far, what have you found to be most challenging? And how are you dealing with it?
I think the “business”‘part of music business sometimes is challenging but im learning how things work here now.
You are married with a kid, how do you joggle that with your music career?
I have a great supportive husband and I know what my priorities are. I also have a great support system..
When should your fans expect to hear another single/album from you?
Hopefully by the end of the year. There is no rush… I just want to do things properly.
Share with us your proudest moment in your career so far?
I dont think i have one, if anything i am increasingly humbled by the priviledge to do what i do. When people stop me in foreign countries to take a picture.. I am still shocked.. And humbled. Its all God!
Lami Phillips..
Lami Phillips.... Lami Phillips......