What Is Your Partner’s Love Language? Read It Here

The concept was coined by relationship counselor Gary Chapman, author of The 5 Love Languages, who says that people need to receive love in a specific way, according to their love language, to feel truly loved. The expression of love that you respond to most is your love language, and apparently we all have a primary one.

The five love languages are:

1. Words of Affirmation: Love needs to be expressed through compliments, praise, and other kind words, like “You look hot!” or “Your chocolate cake is even better than my mom’s!”

2. Acts of Service: Loving acts, like doing the dishes, picking up the kids from soccer, or taking out the trash, are more important to people who crave this love language than hearing “I love you.”

3. Receiving Gifts: The cliché about women wanting flowers and diamonds is true — especially for those who respond most to this love language.

4. Quality Time: It’s all about getting undivided attention from your partner, whether it’s watching a show together or just talking about your days, when it comes to this love language.

5. Physical Touch: Yes, there’s that. But this love language also includes all the other good stuff that comes before that – hugs, kisses, massages, holding hands, and other ways to connect physically.

Let’s be clear: Most people enjoy all five of the love languages to some degree, but Chapman explains that most people have one to two primary “languages” that hit home for them.

Source: Momtastic.com