Bananas Aren’t Just For Monkeys: 10 Powerful Reasons to Eat Bananas

Bananas are one of nature’s great snack foods, but did you know just how good for you they are and how many different and unusual uses they can have? Ahead are 10 banana health benefits for more energy, better health and even improving the way you look and feel.

1. Banana is the best sources of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure, heart health and bone strength. One banana contains 450 mg of potassium, four times higher than cereal, bread and more. Eating two bananas a day will contribute to the prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis and building our bones. Bananas also reduce the risk of stroke.

2.Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to high levels of vitamin B-6.

3.Bananas act as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowel. They also produce digestive enzymes to assist in absorbing nutrients.

4.Bananas are the only raw fruit that can be consumed without distress to relieve stomach ulcers by coating the lining of the stomach against corrosive acids.

5.Bananas are low in sodium, and contain one mg per unit. Much of our daily diet sources, such as cereals, crackers and bread contain hundreds of milligrams of sodium. Reduction in sodium consumption is important in preventing high blood pressure, heart disease and blood vessels and loss of calcium from the bones.

6.Eating a banana can lower the body temperature and cool you during a fever or on a hot day.

7.A Swedish study showed that whole fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, help protect against kidney cancer. It was found that women who consumed more vegetables and fruits, decreased their risk of the disease, and those who consumed four to six bananas per week reduced the risk of kidney cancer by about half.

8.Bananas contain substances that help operate the cells that make up the lining of the stomach, and thus they form the protective mucous barrier against acidity. Other compounds in bananas called protease inhibitors, help destroy bacteria that causes stomach ulcers.

9.Quitting smoking? Bananas contain high levels of B-vitamins as well as potassium and magnesium to speed recovery from the effects of withdrawal.

10.Banana contains tryptophan, an amino acid that makes serotonin, an active ingredient in the nervous system. Among other functions, it regulates sleep and appetite and aids in creating a sense of relaxation.