13 Benefits Of Eating Ginger During Pregnancy

You may be sipping a hot cup of ginger tea or adding ginger in your food for its flavor. So, you will be pleasantly surprised to know that it benefits you in various ways.

1. Your baby gets enough blood supply:
Ginger boosts blood circulation in your body and therefore promotes adequate blood supply to your unborn baby.

2. Regulates your cholesterol level:
Ginger controls cholesterol level, thus reducing the risk of high cholesterol levels during pregnancy.

3. Brings some relief from morning sickness:
If you are suffering from morning sickness and nausea, you can expect relief by taking ginger as it is a soothing agent. Have homemade ginger ale or ginger tea to calm down those tummy issues.

4. Keep away from a cold and cough:
Ginger is effective in treating a common cold, minor ailments and persistent cough. Your immune system gets sluggish when you are pregnant, making you vulnerable to these minor ailments. Ginger has an exceptional ability to boost immunity and helps you recover quickly. It also helps you prevent these diseases (2).

5. Blood sugar levels are under control:
Research studies state that ginger plays a vital role in keeping the blood glucose levels in check. It thereby keeps the mother and growing baby healthy. It also aids in maintaining your energy levels high and treats exhaustion and fatigue (3).

6. Your body can take in more nutrients:
Various reasons, such as infection or poor diet habits, may hamper your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Ginger supports your body in absorbing the nutrients and supplying them to your unborn baby.

7. No heartburn for you:
Ginger is an excellent remedy to treat heartburn associated with pregnancy. It fights off the acids, which cause heartburn. You can consume ginger tea made with a fresh slice of ginger and sugar or honey, sip in between your meals. Homemade ginger ale also works.

8. Escape from bloating:
During pregnancy, digestion slows down to allow the baby to absorb nutrients. This makes you feel heavy, leading to bloating and gas. Take ginger before bedtime to avoid any digestive issues and neutralize the problem of bloating. You can also take one teaspoon of fresh ginger juice and honey.

9. Treats inflammation:
Ginger is anti-inflammatory in nature and thereby reduces inflammation and swelling during pregnancy. Dip a slice of ginger in honey and eat it for relief.

10. Pregnancy can be less painful:
Any pain that you suffer during pregnancy, abdominal, lower back or joints, ginger helps to alleviate it. It works on the hormonal level, and you will have fewer pains and aches. You may start your day with ginger ale or ginger tea or you can add it to a smoothie.

[ Read: Is It Safe To Eat Spicy Food During Pregnancy ]

11. Relaxes tired muscles:
Pregnancy can take a toll on your bones and muscles. It causes fatigue and also wears out the muscles. A cup of ginger tea a day will relieve you from achy bones and muscles, which usually result from back pain, sciatica or sore feet (4).

12. Makes sex more interesting:
It is natural for pregnant women to lack the desire for sex. Ginger improves your libido. It warms up the body, and improves the functioning of the circulatory system, particularly towards the genitals.

13. Makes your baby robust:
Using fresh ginger in tea or recipes will improve the supply of vitamin C and iron. It, thereby, supports your unborn baby’s immune system and lowers the risk of congenital disabilities.