5 Simple Ways On How to Bond with Your Unborn Baby

During your pregnancy, you look forward to experiencing the bliss of motherhood. You can get started with your bonding session with your baby as you anxiously await his arrival. Here are five simple ways to bond with unborn baby.

1. Talk to Your Baby:

It may feel a bit weird chatting with your baby bump, but it will work wonders. Research proves that once your baby crosses 23 weeks of age, he can hear sounds from within and outside your womb. Speaking to your baby during this stage can help him get familiar with your voice and ensure his natural attachment towards you. He may also pay more attention to your voice after birth.

2. Massage Your Bump:

Massaging your belly during pregnancy, particularly during the first three months helps strengthen the bond between you and your baby. You may use a moisturizer or a light oil to massage your tummy, which can be soothing for both you and your baby. It will also possibly help you relax and be more positive about your pregnancy.

3. Practice Pregnancy Yoga:

You may enroll in a yoga class after the first 14 weeks of your pregnancy. Pregnancy yoga can help your body get ready for childbirth. You can learn many different postures and breathing techniques that may be of help during your labor. What’s more, antenatal yoga, a type of yoga practiced during pregnancy, helps relax your mind and body and experience oneness with your little one.

4. Keep A Scan Handy:

You may need to undergo scans during your pregnancy to keep track of your baby’s health and development. A good way to strengthen your bond with your unborn is to have a copy of your scan report somewhere where you can see it often. The sight of that tiny life which is slowly growing inside you will cheer you up and stimulate a good connection between you both.

5. Take A Long Bath:

Having a nice, warm bath is a good way to get your attention off other things and devote some quality time for you and your baby. If you are into the second trimester of pregnancy, you may note a squirming or kicking sensation in your tummy during this ‘alone’ time which you may have failed to notice otherwise