Teenager arraigned before court for possession of Illegal arms

The Benue Police Command on Tuesday arraigned one Patience Ornguga, 18, over alleged criminal conspiracy, illegal possession of firearms and acts of terrorism.

The Police prosecutor, Omaje Ujata, who arraigned Ornguga before a Makurdi Upper Area Court, alleged that a soldier, Cpl. Garba Ismaila, arrested the accused for being in possession of a locally made pistol and one cartridge.

“The accused was taken to a police station after being found with the items wrapped in a nylon bag,” she told the court.

The prosecutor said that the accused, a resident of North-South bank area in Makurdi, confessed to the crime during investigation, and named one Douggy, who was still at large, as her “partner”.

“The offence contravenes sections 6 (6) and 3 (1) of Robbery and Firearms (Special Provision) Act, 2004 and 1 (2) of Terrorism (Prevention Amendment) Act 2013,” she stated.

However, when the case came up for mention, no plea was taken.

Magistrate Fatima Akintomide granted the accused bail in the sum of N350,000 with one surety who shall be a state civil servant not below Grade Level 4.

“The surety must submit two passport-size photographs and must reside within the jurisdiction of the court,” Akintomide ordered.

Reports stated that there were discrepancies in Patience’s age with the First Information Report (FIR), showing that she was 18, while the accused insisted that she was 17.

The case was adjourned to July 27, for further mention.