The real story behind how robbers attacked bullion van in Ondo state

Some suspected armed robbers on Wednesday attacked a bullion van on the Akure-Ondo Expressway at Ireje village in the Ondo  East Local Government Area of Ondo State.

According to an eyewitness, the robbers, who were inside two vehicles, suddenly opened fire on the bullion van at about 1pm.

It was gathered that the bullion van was loaded with an undisclosed sum of money.

Our correspondent also learnt that the operation was not successful as the robbers, numbering about 10, were unable to break into the bullion van to take the money away.

One of the residents of the area, who pleaded not to be named, told our correspondent that the suspected robbers attacked the bullion van which was on its way to Ondo town from Akure, the state capital.

She said, “It happened about 1pm. We just heard continuous gunshots and everybody ran for safety.”

The villager narrated that after the operation, the robbers fled into the bush, while some policemen who were injured also ran into the bush.

Confirming the incident, the Public Relations Officer of the Ondo State Police Command, Mr. Femi Joseph, said the robbers were not allowed to take the money inside the bullion van away.

He, however, said no policeman was killed in the attack. He said some of the robbers were injured.

“Our men engaged the robbers in a gun duel and were able to overpower them.

“The robbers escaped with bullet injuries and we are already on their trail,” Joseph said.

Source: ( Punch Newspaper )