Find Out; Is It Possible To Find Love After 50?

Love is a beautiful thing. An emotion that creeps up on you when you least expect it (for most people). i’m a helpless romantic at heart and a strong believer of the possibility that anyone can find true love no matter the age. There’s a stereotype that women who cross the “dreaded” age of 50 are “not-marriageable”. So, for the ladies who have thought to give love another chance, here a few nuggets of wisdom that I can share with you.

Ever Thought Of Starting Afresh?!

There is the possibility that you and new boo have been in relationships before so, it is best not to bring in “residue” from the previous relationship into the new one. No matter how bad the previous relationship was, do not hold the new guy or lady responsible. Its ok to learn from the past but do not hold on to the pain and hurt; let them go. Old things are passed away and all things are new!

Consistency and character Are Very Important.

At this stage of your life, it is assumed that your must gained character traits that are mature and endearing. It is important that you do not pretend about anything just to please your intending partner. Be consistent in your answers and conversations

Don’t Rush Things.

Even though you have been single for a long peiod of time or just got out of a bad marriage or whatever; it is expedient that you do not make the same mistake. Take your time to get to know the man or woman. This time, let your heart and your head do the unanimous talking! (they must be in alignment).

Giving Up Is Not An Option!

Easier said than done right? Its ok to feel lonely and sad about it. But honey; shake it off and keep going. Look good at all times, speak well, flirt a little and enjoy life in general. You never kno where love might find you.

The kids Are Very Important!!!

For the ones that have children already, this is for you. Yes, it is your life nut you are still responsible for your kids. You are a major player in how they’ll view their future relationships. Do not hide anything from them. They must be a part of the whole process. Although, it is important that your partner knows from the on-set that there are kids in your life and they are important. Its expedient that they are not introduced to each other until you are sure that the relationship is going somewhere.