This Woman Decided To Carry Her Best Friend’s Baby As Surrogate…You Won’t Believe What Happened Next

Bec passed away before her and Gareth’s baby arrived (Picture: Facebook/Gareth Arena)

A woman offered to carry her best friend’s baby, only for her to die before the child was born.

Jes Brockie offered to act as surrogate for her life-long friend Bec Arena, who suffered with fertility issues due to cystic fibrosis.


Jes, wife of Mamelodi Sundowns FC and New Zealand All Whites player Jeremy Brockie, was happy to give her best friend Bec and her husband Gareth the child that they so desperately wanted.

Sadly, Bec passed away in September so wasn’t able to meet her son Rixon James Arena, who arrived on January 20 weighing 7lb and 2oz. Bec’s tragic death devastated her husband Gareth, who now faces raising a baby on his own.

The GoFundMe page, set up by Krystal Stevens, says: ‘This process has given Bec and Gareth a gift no money can buy, it has still left them with huge ongoing expenses- medical bills, counselling fees, numerous flights to get Jess here from her home in South Africa, lawyers fees and so much more.

‘Many of these expenses were planned for however, Bec’s passing has brought additional unexpected costs and has left Gareth facing these on a sole income.’

Jes was friends with Bec for more than 20 years (Picture: Twitter/JRBrockie)

Initially, the couple planned for Bec to be a stay at home mum, so now Gareth must take time off work which is an added financial burden.

The GoFundMe adds: ‘Bec was never one to talk about her hardships or to ask for help, even though she was battling personal struggles greater than we could ever truly understand.

‘And now, even though he is now facing this huge financial and emotional mountain on his own, Gareth is just the same.’

Gareth also has the support of the Brockies. Jes tweeted: ‘And just like that, Rixon James Arena has arrived in this world. What an amazing journey to be part of. Memories that @JRBrockie and I will treasure forecer. Thank you Bec and Gareth for letting our family travel this road with you. #Surrogacy.’

Footballer Jeremy Brockie said that he was in awe of his wife for playing her part in the ‘great journey’.

He tweeted: ‘Unbelievably proud of my wife Jessica Brockie. To give up your time and body for someone else is incredibly special.

‘It’s been such a great journey to be involved in and so glad we could do this side by side. To be able to help another family like this is so rewarding.’

All donations to the fundraiser will go directly to Gareth.


Via Metro UK

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