Gospel Singer, Lanre Teriba Fathers 5 Kids From Different Ladies

Singer Laren Teriba 2

What can one make of a situation where a so called Gospel artiste would stoop so low as to sleeping with any lady that caught his fancy, to the extent of putting them in a family way?
Presently  the hallowed world of Gospel singer, Lanre Teriba popularly known as Atorise, is fraught with stories many would find unacceptable for a Gospel Singer. It is about the unknown social acts of this handsome musician.

His love for unsafe sex is well-known by his fans, especially female ones, who always crave for his attention, regardless of the sexual attachment that comes with it.


Lanre Teriba is widely known as a cheerful giver and find practicing safe sex uninteresting.

As at the last count, the highly revered musician is alleged to be fathering five kids from different women. Findings revealed that he fathered these kids yet he’e is not taking good care of them. He often abandons the kids and their mothers to their own fate.

Despite all these, he does not have a wife that he’s legally married to in his home. According to other source, the withdrawal of his Evangelist title is as a result of the immoral acts displayed by the singer.


  1. Well for d women with his kids ,dts their own peice of cake,when good,godfearing guys propose to them they refuse,all they want is money and fame and d result pregnancy.teriba caryy go jooo, solomon for bible get plenty pickin and wife,d sky is the ultimate.maa fun won lomi sororo ojo weliweli,ki o maaa bi si ko si maa re sii’

    • Remember the man is said to be an evangelist and his expected to show example for other to follow, by using his music to win souls for Christ before he derail. read you bible Atorise is different from Solomon. Do not judge but show loves.The are many of his type out there that must make a u turn.This year is judgmental.

  2. God have mercy for him, when talent are mistakenly for gift it is dangerous, and gift without fruit is scandalous and needed a genue repentance. I pray God’s mercy will not close against him.I love him.

  3. Is he a minister of d Gospel or a gifted artist who just chose gospel music like any other Hi-Pop artist? Cos dia is clear difference btw being talented/gifted & being called as a minister. Don’t 4get d Bible says “Not all dat call me Lord, Lord. …………… “

  4. I know one of d mothers of his 5 children in kaduna. We live in d same street in kad. Kigo road new extension to be precise. For d past 5 years dt i hv known ds lady nd d son she had 4 ds randy gospel musician, he has only come to check on d lady and d son once. May God have mercy.