Family: Tackling Exam Malpractice By Instilling the Proper Values From the Home

Exam Malpractice is fast becoming a scourge in Nigeria. The popularity which has now been ascribed to cheating is heartbreaking. This act is now called “cooperation” to make it seem less serious than it really is.
Cheating is a very serious issue and the effect it’s having in Nigeria can be seen through the many half baked graduates parading the streets these days. People cheat to pass exams and then have no real knowledge of the course they studied and thus they can’t function in the real world.
The worst part of this scenario is that parents now support cheating. They give their children money to “settle” lecturers, procure exam questions beforehand and register in special centers where the exams will practically be written for them.
This is a huge failure on the part of the parents involved. Parents are supposed to make sure that their children are morally sound. Parents who support cheating should not be surprised when their children become thieves because stealing starts from cheating.
Growing up, my father made it clear that cheating was not acceptable. He did this through words and even his own actions. In my household, we were brought up to believe that failing honourably is a minor setback while cheating is a major setback.
Cheating makes you lazy and complacent. Eventually you stop putting in your best and you fail to reach your full potential. Cheating opens you and your family up to ridicule and doesn’t give you an accurate picture of what you’re capable of.
Cheating is bad and no matter how widely it is now practiced, it will always remain bad. Parents need to make their children aware of this from a young age.
Charity begins at home and if you train your child on the right path, they’re likely to stay on it.
The home is the starting place of every individual and it is there that their character is first molded. If parents discourage cheating and teach honesty and integrity, we’ll have less corruption and less stealing. Nigeria, and indeed the world, would be a better place for it.
