Things You Must Consider Before Buying Curtains For Your Home

Choosing the right curtains is very instrumental to the beauty of your home. The style and design of the curtains in your home reveals a lot about you and your taste. Keep these tips in mind before you go curtain shopping.



There are number of websites, books and magazines available that offer you insight on the latest curtain designs and trends. Go through all these resources until you’re sure of the exact curtains that will enhance the look of your apartment.


You must consider the theme of your room, size of window, colors of walls, furniture and floors when considering right color. Bright colours make your room more attractive and softer colours make small rooms look bigger.

Focal point

If your room has no focal point, you can make one by covering your windows with attractive curtains. A focal point is the initial point of attraction when people first enter a room or apartment.


Curtains are available in various sizes and shapes so you can choose which is best suited for your apartment. A general rule is that your curtains should be two and a half times the size of the window you are covering.


Curtains are not only used to beautify the home but also for privacy. If you really want to shield your home from prying eyes, then you should get curtains wide enough to cover your entire window. This makes it difficult for outsiders to see inside your home.


For this, you will probably need to decide where you would like your curtains to end in relation to the floor and then you can get curtains of a corresponding length.


The cost of curtains varies depending on the look and demand for the trend or style. Curtains are available in prices ranging from cheap to expensive. You can choose suitable curtains sold at a price you can afford.


The fabric you choose for your curtains must go well with the theme and mood of the room. You should also consider what the room is used for. You should not use silk in a high traffic room and for a child’s room or play space, you should get a fabric that’s easy to clean. Be sure to ask for a fabric sample so you can choose a suitable fabric.


The style of your curtains greatly enhances the look of your room. Here are some popular curtain styles:

Swags: Swags are curtains that form a decorative element over a window, hanging from two fixed points either side of the top of the window. They provide accent within the room, rather than a focal point.

Café curtains: These types of curtains are easy to pull open and shut. This generally covers bottom half of a window only and add a bit of style and flair to room.

Traverse and café curtains: This incorporates the look of a café curtain but also adds privacy and elegance by having a full drape posted along each side of it.

Two-Way Traverse: This is the curtain set that you can pull from either side towards its center. It is a great foundation curtain for layering.

One-Way Traverse: This curtain is the kind that you use when you have a door that opens on one side only. It allows you to pull the curtain to one side to let in light.

In choosing curtains, make sure that they correspond with the design of the room you’re going to put them in. This doesn’t mean they should match but they must look like a part of one big family.

Photo: Lola Harlequine Interiors.