Pastor Chris Okotie Finds Love Again With A Young Damsel – Marriage in View


The news out is that Pastor Chris Okotie is set to give marriage another try, and in his usual style the handsome preacher has found love in another beautiful but much younger damsel, who is based in Lagos.

Sources say her name is Delphine but she is not a member of his church. She worships in “a popular church here in Lagos” and it appears Pastor Okotie just bought her a car as special gift. Or did he give her the car he collected back from his ex-wife, Stephanie Henshaw?

We don’t know for sure, all the best to them.



  1. That lifestyle is not biblical and righteous for a heavenly candidate. No matter who does it whether Pastor or member. the word of God cannot be broken. I see end time manifesting in the church of God. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. Maranatha.