[Advice Needed] Her Father Would Not Attend Our Wedding!!! What Do I Do?

mmmmDear Tee,
I am in love with this girl and we would get married in a month. Her father and mother are divorced and the father is saying that he might not show up for the wedding, but her mother is in full support of the wedding. What should I do?

Dear NM,
I think you and the girl should go and see her father and his relatives and ask him why he said he might not be available. If he asks you guys to proceed for the marriage, but still bent on not coming, I feel you can continue with the marriage since her mother has given her support. By the way, I don’t think such man has a good rapport with his daughter before, because if he does, he would not miss his daughter’s wedding, not minding the fact that he and his wife are divorced. As the husband to be, there is little you can do here, so do not worry much about the drama the girl’s father wants to bring up.
I wish you a successful marriage, God bless your union.