Ways To Make Reading Fun For Your Kid


With other attractive options like television and laptops, the habit of reading often takes a backseat among children.

Here’s how you can make reading fun for your kid.


Read out aloud
Studies show that regularly reading out loud tochildren not only helps them enjoy the book better but also produces significant gains in theirreading comprehension, vocabulary and decoding of words. Whether your children are preschoolers or preteens, it will increase their desire to read independently.

Surround kids with reading material
The reading material should be easily accessible in your house. If your child has a book lying around, he/she is more likely to pick it up and begin to read rather than reach out for the television remote.

Be a reading buddy
It is likely that your child will start reading if he/she sees you reading too. So, establish a daily 15 to 30 minute time when you grab a book and cozy up with your kid to read.

Encourage reading activities
Who says reading only means sitting in a corner with a book? Encourage your children to read on-the-go too. You could ask them to spell out hoardings on the road or read menu cards at restaurants.

Go shopping for books
Instead of bringing books home, involve your child while shopping for books. It will also help you understand the kind of books that the child likes.