All About Malaria


A series of diseases caused by mosquitoes are at its peak in the city of Mumbai, especiallymalaria and dengue. According to BMC reports, so far more than 7,000 cases have been recorded this year. We try and learn more about this disease, so that we can take precautions.

Malaria is a type of disease, which is spread by mosquitoes. It needs prompt or immediate medical help, or else it can be fatal. A single mosquito bite is all it takes for someone to become infected.

Symptoms of malaria:
Being aware of the symptoms, will enable you to seek treatment immediately. A few common malaria symptoms are:

-High fever of 100.4F or above
-Sweats and chills
-Muscle pains

These symptoms usually show up after 10 to 15 days after being bitten by the mosquito carrying the infection.

Treatment for malaria:
If you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms, seek help from a medical expert or get a blood test for malaria at the nearest laboratory. If you have been diagnosed with malaria, your doctor will prescribe medicines to treat you.

Prevention of malaria:
The best way to combat this problem caused by mosquitoes is prevention. The following are someeasy prevention techniques:

-Expand your knowledge about this disease. The more you know about it, the better you will be able to prevent it.
-Use mosquito repellent, if there are lots of mosquitoes breeding in your locality. Besides, also cover your arms and legs and sleep in a mosquito net.
-Keep your neighbourhood clean. Avoid storing water for a long duration.
-Seek immediate help, if you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms.