At Last, UniMaid Set To Resume For The 2013/2014 Acedemic Session

Information just reaching us has it that the authorities of the University of Maiduguri, Borno state, has finally made public the calendar for dates and events for the much awaited 2013/2014 academic session.

This was contained in a circular made public earlier today, Jan. 9th 2014 after the meeting of the committee of Deans, Directors and provosts of the university which according to our source who preferred anonymity, will be subjected to the senate of the university for confirmation and approval although it seems from every indication the proposed academic calendar will come to stay irrespective of the senate’s deliberation upon it.

In the proposed academic calendar, the university will resume officially for all its programmes on the 13th of January, 2014 while admission Committee meeting will be held the following day to deliberate upon the yet to be released second-admission list for UME students who applied for a place in the school mid-last year.


Registration for new and returning students/Examination for Remedial students who were not able to complete their 6months programme because of the 5 months ASUU strike will commence on the 20th of January. While lecture commences for all students on the 27th of January, registration for all students ends on Friday, February 7th 2014.
Matriculation and orientation exercise for new students comes up immediately after the close of registrations and examination for all students will run concurrently between April and May 2014. If all things remain equal, the first semester will come to a close on the last day of May 2014 with the 2nd semester commencing in a fortnight approximately.

Students of the University after haven picked offence as a result of the provoking silence of the authorities of the University since after the 5 months old strike was called off, no thanks to GSM services that was before now disconnected, can now join their counterparts in other universities back to school after the ASUU strike for a very long time disrupted activities in the nation’s universities.

University of Maiduguri is located along the popular Bama road 76 Km’s to Bama Local government Area where the Islamic insurgents-Boko Haram attacked a military base late last year with conflicting figures as to the number of casualties till this day and home to the deadly Islamic militants Boko Haram believed to be fighting to enthrone Islamic Law in some parts of Nigeria if not all of it.

Reports went viral sometime late last year that the Islamic fundamentalists plans to stage a brutal attack on the university but no member of the sect has come out in the open to substantiate or rebut this. As a precautionary measure, the authorities of the university have solicited for military back up in and around the walls of the university established since 1975.

Nkannebe Raymond