High Driver Calls Police on Drunken Driver, Both Get Arrested


An accident involving two impaired drives on the Taconic State Parkway resulted in both of them being arrested by New York State Police officers for being drunk and high.

Malcolm Sidbury called 911 after his car was allegedly side-swiped by Thomas Robbins as he tried to pass him. After the accident, Robbins drove away.


When the police eventually found the two men on State Route 82, they realized that Sidbury “was under the influence of drugs.” The 38-year-old was charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs.

Police also suspected Robbins of being drunk and gave him a breath test. The 57-year-old reportedly had a blood-alcohol content of .25, well over the legal limit. He was charged with driving while intoxicated, aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, leaving the scene of a property damage accident and several violations.

Both men were ticketed and released.