PDP Won’t Allow Desperate Politicians To Hijack Power – Babangida Aliyu

Babangida AliyuGovernor of Niger State, Dr. Babangida Aliyu, on Friday said that the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) would not allow desperate politicians to take over the affairs of the country this year, adding that the party would campaign hard and ensure victory for its candidates, so that they would continue the transformation of the county.

He also described those who left the PDP for the All Progressives Congress (APC) as selfish politicians, who don’t have the interest of the country at heart.

Aliyu spoke in Mangu Council, Plateau State, during the official flag-off campaign for Senator Gyang Pwajok, the PDP gubernatorial candidate of Plateau.

“In the PDP, we cannot succumb to cheap blackmail with people who can’t play politics the way it is supposed to be played. The PDP has done a lot in transforming the country and would continue to do so. We are calling on the people of the state to come out en masse come February 14 to vote for President Goodluck Jonathan”, Aliyu said.

Also speaking at the occasion, Benue State Governor, Gabriel Suswan, said the North Central Zone would ensure victory for President Jonathan at the February 14 presidential elections.

“We in the North Central are like a family and we would deliver our President”, he said and urged people in the zone to forget about the propaganda of the APC and work for the victory of the PDP.

“Our presidential candidate, Goodluck Jonathan, has the interest of the country at heart and would continue transforming the nation if he is re-elected”, Suswam added.

The Senate President, David Mark, who was the chairman of the occasion, said the PDP would win with transparent votes in the forthcoming elections. “North Central is for President Jonathan and we will continue to support him and the party always”, he said and cautioned youths against playing politics of violence.

The senate president also enjoined them to get their Permanent Voters’ Cards (PVCs) so that they won’t be disenfranchised at the polls.

The gubernatorial candidate of the PDP in the state, Mr. Pwajok, in his speech, called on people of the state to work for victory of the party in next month’s elections.

He also tasked citizens of the state to always be their brothers’ keepers regardless of tribe and religion and pledged to consolidate on the achievements of the incumbent governor, Mr. Jonah Jang.

The Director General of Pwajok Campaign Organisation, Mr. Daniel Kungmi, who also spoke at the occasion, said Plateau has been a traditional home of the PDP and would not afford to fail the party this time around.

According to him, “We would go from door to door to campaign for our party and ensure victory for President Goodluck Jonathan and Pwajok. We would ensure that we deliver President Goodluck Jonathan with over two million votes”.


  1. U are a disgrace 2 Niger State in particular nd d whole North in general. I don knw why u are choosen as Chairman of Northern govs forum in d first place. Betrayal lyk u nd Sule Lamido don suppose b identify wit d North. Shame is @ ur door step dis time, unlike wat happened in 2011 is nt going 2 be business as usual. Nigeria Sai Buhari! Change Doleeeee!!!