Aregbesola’s Plan To Sack Judge An Invitation To Chaos – PDP

Rauf AregbesolaThe Osun State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has warned Governor Rauf Aregbesola to jettison the alleged plan to sack Justice Folahanmi Oloyede.

The State PDP Publicity Secretary, Mr. Bola Ajao, gave this warning in a statement issued in Osogbo, the state capital on Monday.

It would be recalled that Oloyede, who is a serving judge in the State Judiciary, last week wrote a petition to the House of Assembly, asking the lawmakers to impeach Gov. Aregbesola based on alleged financial recklessness and his inability to pay civil servants for seven months.

Reacting to the call from the ruling All Progressives Congress that the judge should immediately resign because she was conniving with the PDP to destroy Aregbesola’s administration, Mr. Ajao accused the governor of planning to initiate the removal of the judge.

He, however, warned that such a move could trigger chaos in the state.

The statement read, “This is an invitation to chaos, because Governor Aregbesola cannot turn himself into a bully that can’t be questioned or examined. He should not hunt the petitioner down if he has nothing to fear. At least, he says he is a progressive governor who should be above board.

“All men and women of goodwill all over the world should applaud Justice Oloyede. She doesn’t deserve recrimination for speaking out what is evident to everyone except Aregbesola and his praise-singers, who will ultimately destroy this fading administration and the clueless governor.

“It is gratifying that the entire public service in the state is solidly behind her. We implore the governor not to use his hands to set the state on fire. Moving against Justice Oloyede, the face of probity, accountability, justice, fairness and uprightness in public service, will spell doom for this failed administration”.

The opposition party called on Nigerians to “talk Aregbesola out of this suicide mission”, adding that he should rather be defending himself against allegations of corruption levelled against him by the judge.

Ajao further stated that the PDP had discovered an alleged plan with some members of the House of Assembly to summon the judge with the aim of ridiculing her with embarrassing questions.


  1. May the curses of all the dead, dying and hungry souls come upon this Aregbesola, his supporters & his party elders who have failed to caution him. Amen. Wickedness at its pick. This is one of the thugs & illiterates in APC’s change train.

    He changed all schools to single uniform & made it hard for teachers to curb crime. When they caution students, the answer is ‘I am not your student’.