6 Things He Secretly Wants From You

Friendly couple

Men are very different from women when it comes to talking their hearts out. They do not comfortably open up to people and women mostly complain of their secretive behaviour. However, this does not mean that men do not have anything going on in their heads. In fact they do as well, and we’re giving you a little passage into their head. Here are a few things which he wants from you but he will never tell you.

1.He wants to be with you.


Men are very egoistic beings and they do not like to appear needy. If he wants your company, he will not tell it to you directly. However, if you have been noticing that the two of you do not get to spend a lot of time together because of your commitments, then make time for him. If you have let him become a part of your life then you have to prioritize him. That does not mean that you have to let go of every other thing in your life – just balance out everything and don’t neglect him.

2. He wants you to love him for who he is.

When you fall in love with a person, you fall in love with them for who they are. However, if you are only looking to change things about him, know that you are a bad person. If you don’t love him for who he is then breakup with him. He wants you to accept him for he is. If you’re okay with that then its fine but if you only remind him of all the things that he should change about himself then you need to stop.

3. He wants to be with you.

Men are very egoistic beings and they do not like to appear needy. If he wants your company, he will not tell it to you directly. However, if you have been noticing that the two of you do not get to spend a lot of time together because of your commitments, then make time for him. If you have let him become a part of your life then you have to prioritize him. That does not mean that you have to let go of every other thing in your life – just balance out everything and don’t neglect him.

4. He wants his space.

Every man in this world wants his space. He will not say it because he doesn’t want to hurt you but he cannot spend every Saturday night out partying. Sometimes, he just wants to sit at home and play on his Xbox. Sometimes, he might want to sleep or sometimes, he might want a boys’ night out. Even if he just wants to sit alone on the couch for hours, let him be. Give him his space and don’t suffocate him.

3. He wants respect.

We hear women complaining about not getting enough respect but do you ever realize that men require respect too. He wants you to respect him. By that I do not mean that you should become his maid instead of his girlfriend/wife. No. Respect him as a person. Respect his feelings. Respect his individuality. Do not leave him out when deciding major things in life. If you both want to last longer, you must learn to equally respect each other.

2. He wants to give importance to you.

Never think that your guy gets sick of you. He loves it when you rant to him or when you share your stuff with him – even if he doesn’t say it. That means that you should always keep him updated on your life. Don’t assume that your stories annoy him. Make him promise that he will always be honest with you and that he will tell you when you’re annoying him. Talk to him and stay in touch with each other.

1. He wants you to keep him going.

No matter how tough he acts, he can be very vulnerable at times. Things will scare him and sometimes, he wouldn’t want to pursue a thing because he is generally scared. At such moments, he genuinely wants you to be there. He wants you to motivate him and to encourage him. Remind him why it is so important for him and then make sure he pursues his dream.