5 Questions NOT TO ASK in a Job Interview

Although this part of the interview gives you the opportunity to shine, it is also a means to show the level of your interest in the company; hence there’s a need to be careful on the kind of questions to ask. Interviewers would pay attention to your questions to measure the depth of your thoughts about the company and asking the wrong questions might switch you off what was meant to be an awesome interview experience.

So here are some questions you should keep from your interviewers’ ears and I’ll give reasons.

What exactly does this Company/Firm/Organisation do?


Your potential employer may be nice enough to tell you some things about the Company but you’ll probably be on your way out the next minute. Asking this question shows you didn’t do your homework. Any job candidate is expected to have done a thorough research on whatever Organisation s/he is looking to work with. Look up the web or the Company website for whatever information you can find about the Company; find out who your potential employers are as well as the Company’s former and current position in the industry. Avoid coming off to the interviewer(s) as lazy and not interested in the Organisation by asking what the Company does.

What benefits are attached to this position and how soon can I get a salary raise?

First, you don’t know if you’ve gotten the job; second, you’ve shown where your interest lies. Even though you are eager to know how much you’ll be paid, wait for the interviewer to get to the salary negotiation part. Do not be first to raise the topic and best find out how much employees in similar roles in other Organisations earn to help you  discuss your salary reasonably with your potential employer. Asking these questions show that you are only concerned about the remuneration benefits, which would most likely pose you a bad fit for the Organisation. Employers are more interested in candidates who are as passionate about the Company’s progress as they are than those who are there for other reasons.

What were the flaws of the former holder of this position and how would you want things done differently?

You can ask instead- “what are the expectations for this position? Your interviewer is not your gossip folk. You are there to focus on the interviewer’s needs not to share bedtime stories; besides, you are yet informal with your interviewer which makes the question quite personal and off the reason why you are there.

Here are some tips to help you ask the right questions:

Do not ask leading questions, interviewers would think you are too confident or just nosy.

Do not ask personal questions or about the interviewer’s background, you don’t want your interview to become a probing session for your interviewer; always bear in mind you are the interviewee and most of the cards are in your interviewer’s hands.

Ask specific questions; use the right words and avoid the use of slangs; help your interviewer understand your questions- not read meanings to them.

Do not ask questions based on beliefs and values.

Do not ask questions with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers, it means you didn’t prepare for the interview.

Source: jobberman.com