Ajayi Crowther University VC Shuts School After Students Poured Him Water

Professor Dapo Folorunsho Asaju, Vice Chancellor of Ajayi Crowther University, ACU, Oyo State, has ordered that the school be shut.

Prof Asaju’s directive may not be unconnected to a physical assault on him by male students at the weekend.


A 300L student of the institution on condition of anonymity told DAILY POST Monday afternoon that the VC has equally ordered disciplinary action against the students.

They are to appear on Tuesday before the Students Disciplinary Committee (SDC).

Trouble started last Friday when some male students of ‘Ibadan Hostel’ and ‘JA (Joseph Adetiloye) Hostel’ allegedly fought over a female student.

The VC was said to have directed internal security personnel to put the situation under control before it escalated.

“When security staff got there, the guys rather than stop the commotion continued,” the source told our correspondent.

“Some students then poured water on the security personnel.

“Word got to the VC who decided to personally intervene. On his arrival, the students got violent and said he should leave.

“As the situation got tensed, some yet-to-be-identified poured water and thrash on him.

“Prof Asaju was so angry that he cursed them and vowed to take action.

“Again on Sunday during church service, some students whose phones were seized disrupted service in protest.

“The VC got up and said since the it appeared students were getting out of control, he would shut the school and punish any one indicted in recent incidents being investigated by the SDC”.

Responding to DAILY POST enquiry, Shina Bello, Deputy Bursar (Admin) denied any plan to shut the school.

“I’m not aware of any assault on the VC. The school is not in session and students who have no genuine reason to be around should normally be in their homes”.

Less than 10 minutes after his denial, our source forwarded a text sent to all students by the VC, Prof Asaju.

See screenshot below…

Source: Dailypost


  1. Waw …quite unfortunate how this unruly act of these guys is affecting the rest of the school…
    Making the innocent ones suffer for their stupidity…
    And I don’t know why these guys are so myopic to see that it’s bouncing back at us again.
    Making the school popular through this means was a smart choice guys.
    So funny trying to prove authority with Authority himself.
    Pouring of water on the VC was nasty guys…it’s more like doing that to your grandfather because that man is capable of giving birth to you. For crying out loud he has a Doctor and a lawyer amongst his children, and the last is serving. What have you guys achieved?!
    And you guys are here trying to tarnish the image of the school you would graduate from and serve before you could be compared to his last child.
    To some of you that had been to other universities and expelled or suspended…you have done greatly well trying to destroy a school that accepted you to give you a meaning in life when others rejected you..
    And to those that got influenced by these people, I hope your eyes be clear to realize what you have done and make amends before it’s too late.

    I just pray this doesn’t become worse. I’m really enjoying it here, and I’m not ready to leave before my convocation. *tears
    I have planned my life already
    And part of my plan include me graduating with the best results my parents ever expects from me…which is already in progress.

    I plead with you guys to just stop and Obey every rules for peace to reign.
    There’s no harm being humble, rather there’s a great reward.
    I plead with you guys. Cooperate with the management.

    My dad has been telling me ever since this particular VC came into power that We don’t know the value of what we have in ACU , and that if we did we wouldn’t joke with anything that the man says. He says the man is a man with mind blowing visions and that if only we leave him to ‘offload ‘ ACU would be better in no time.

    If the problem is in terms of signing of pass to leave school, then you have no good reason doing this. It’s a private missionary university, and always will be a private missionary university. If you are not comfortable with the rules, please just vacate the community because in a society where there are no laws, there are bound to be chaos.

    I will just pray for this school because it’s the only thing that work now instead of trying to prove ‘boss’ with The Boss.

  2. My oh my. Just see the caption. “Students poured him water”, or is it suppose to be “poured water on him”? I’m really perplexed at the grammar used. My goodness at this day and age in Nigeria, we that we pride ourselves in spoken English. Please we should mind our language.