Porn Sites Take Advantage Of Coronavirus With Sex Videos Of People Wearing Face Masks

Many porn sites have taken advantage of the coronavirus outbreak, by showing videos of people having sex in protective suits and face masks.

Some of the movies featured on the adult websites include ‘TSA Agent Detains Woman Suspected of Coronavirus’ and ‘Deserted Wuhan’, Vice reports.

Spicy, a member of the Spicy x Rice porn duo who is reportedly behind the coronavirus-themed porn videos told Vice that the films were meant to further sensitize people about the killer virus.


“I think people are attracted to the COVID-19 themed porn the same way people who are scared of their shadow are attached to horror movies,” Spicy said.

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“We are all searching for things that make us come alive. COVID-19 is something that brings fear and mystery to pretty much everyone in the world right now.”

Spicy also pointed out that such videos remain the “better way to make you feel something than the global crisis we are all in right now.”

“We thought we would use our porn as an avenue to get some legitimate information out with some comic relief included to get people interested and reduce our chances of being banned,” Spicy said.

“This sparked the idea, knowing every current event ends up as a porn eventually, we knew people would be searching for it on less censored platforms like Pornhub.”