Mom Drives Away With 5-week-old Baby On Top of Car

Have you ever placed your cup of coffee on top of your car, only to forget about it and drive away, your cup still steaming on top? Have you ever placed your baby’s car seat, with your baby strapped inside of it, on top of your car, only to forget that your little one is still up there – so you drive away?

19-year-old Catalina Clouser “put her 5-week-old baby on top of her car in his car seat and drove away, apparently forgetting he was there, not even noticing when the seat fell off the car and landed in an intersection, police said.”


  1. These are drug addicts. She was no doubt very high in spirit even touching the sky. Every woman has a womb and unfortunately no sanity test is required for conception to take place. In the same manner, all Men (Note I say Men) are capable, all things being equal, to produce semen required for conception to take place “ceteris paribus”. The only Savior we have is the discretion to avoid impregnating Mad souls. When impregnated, they carry the pregnancy only to behave like the LUNATIC under reference.