Patience Jonathan Calls For Peace

Jonathan Mrs

The First Lady, Mrs Patience Jonathan, on Saturday called on troubled regions across the world to embrace ceasefire in celebration of the World Peace Day.

Jonathan made the appeal in Abuja at an event organised by the Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (IPCR) to mark the 2013 World Peace Day.

“The International Day of Peace should be an international day for ceasefire, the killings around the globe should stop,’’ she said.

Represented by Minister of State for the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Olajumoke Akinjide, Jonathan appealed to Nigerians to shun violence and embrace the peace.

She pledged commitment to promote peace initiatives within the country and beyond, noting that peace remained the best way to “break the vicious circle of violence’’.

On the theme of the celebration: “Education for peace as a tool for peace building’’, the wife of the President stressed the need to inculcate good moral and ethical values in young persons.

Jonathan decried cult practices in primary and post primary schools, describing the development as unacceptable in the nation’s quest for peace.

She said that young people had become tools for perpetrating heinous crimes and political violence.

The First Lady advised that education should be given priority to ensure economic growth, peace and stability in the country.

Mr Ade Abolurin, the Commandant-General of the Civil Defence Corps, in his remark at the occasion, said peace was necessary towards nation building.

He said that that every citizen had a role to play in peace building and once it was done, everyone would be identified as a stakeholder.

He called for a synergy among the security agencies.

Dr. Joseph Golwa, the Director-General of IPCR, said peace was essential to humanity, adding that peace was necessary to refocus troubled nations. [NAN]