See How A Man Was Brutalised By Police In Benin For Having A Tattoo [GRAPHIC PHOTOS]

There was chaos at Central Road by Gapiona Junction in Benin City, following the resistance of police arrest by a young man, Jerry Guobadia for allegedly drawing tattoos on his body.


Wellington Akodeja reports that the victim was allegedly tear gased and manhandled by the police.

The pictures on this report may be distorting, viewers’ discretion is advised.


Source: ITV Radio Nigeria


  1. What has tattoo got to do with policing? Those policemen should be arrested, tried and jailed for the grievous bodily harm they have caused on the young man. They should not be allowed to get away with it. They are criminals! My advise for the young man is to seek legal advice on how to proceed.

  2. The nigerian police are set of stupid people who cannot fight common bank robbery but feel they can attack innocent people. Seye set of backward police.

    The first time I saw an accident along lagos/ibadan expresswayhappened fresh and not one vehicle stopped to offer assistance, it involve police men.

    That is how they are hated and sidelined. No wonder people do not associate with them.